The drake looked at him and shushed him.

Yorath blinked. “What?”

The drake held a wing claw to his muzzle and shushed him again.

The slow path to the woman in the drake’s embrace wasn’t blocked or interfered with. “Damn, she is stunning. Is she glowing?”

The drake nodded again and crooned again.

Yorath suddenly understood. “You are calling out her drake to play.”

There was a soft chuff, and he crooned again. Abil’s body heaved upward, and she drew in a gasp as the drake flew out of her form and headed for the opening of the cavern. His drake flew after, and he smiled and turned to Abil.

Her skin was chalky, and she was still asleep. He smiled until he realized she wasn’t breathing.

There was no way to summon assistance, so he leaned forward and began to breathe for her. Her heart was beating, but it took six breaths before she woke enough to suck in air.

* * * *

His mouth was touchinghers when Abil woke. She blinked and smiled as he woke her. He leaned back, saw that she was awake, and crushed her in a hug.

“Thank. You?” She wanted to ask why he was upset, but the words slipped away.

She touched his cheek and frowned. She stroked his cheek again. He kissed her, and she met him halfway, doing what felt right with every slide and caress between the two of them. He kissed his way down her neck, and she felt a slight pause and then a slight pain that sent ripples of pleasure through her. She moaned softly and clutched at him.

He pulled her to him, and she bent her leg, stroking the side of his thigh.

She paused and found the words, “My drake is out?”

“She is.” He kissed his way into her cleavage, and the fabric parted as he eased her breasts out.

She focused and got out, “And other parts of me are out as well.” She looked down at him wryly. One of his hands had gathered up her skirt while she was distracted by the bodice. There was a disconcerting breeze.

Abil whispered to him, “What are you doing?” It was coming easier to her. She felt his mind close to hers.

“Getting to know you better. Each part of you tastes different, did you know?”

“Um, I can’t lick myself under most circumstances.” The image made her frown.

Yorath looked at her and grinned. “I will do it for you.”

“Wait, how do I taste like anything? This is a simulation.”

“Well, the computer reads your body, and it translates it here.” He licked at her breast, and his tongue was moving around.

“I know that, but it... never mind.” She huffed and threaded her fingers into his hair, making a fist as his mouth settled over her nipple.

He chuckled and sucked softly, causing her fingers to flex and her hips to twist.

Abil looked at him, and then, her eyes fluttered closed as he did something with his tongue that made a soft, warm bomb go off in her abdomen.

He shifted, and his hands stroked, and she just closed her eyes as she arched and twisted against him as his fingers delved into her, and she did nothing but gasp. Her words were gone again, but her body spoke for her.

He eased her toward an orgasm, and she flexed her thighs around his head. His hands held hers at her hips as the strange undulation into her via his tongue took her breath and her focus.

She understood in theory, but Mbrak had encouraged self-experimentation over playing with others, and Abil had never gotten used to the idea. Now, she believed a little practice might have been nice so her own body didn’t constantly catch her by surprise.

The shriek that came out of her as heat built to an incredible degree, there was a bolt of pain, and then wave after wave of tension released from her with sounds she didn’t know she could make.