Relishing in my victory, I turned on my heel and placed myself in the chair across from him. Crossing my legs while I sipped from my own mug. Finding a delicious, mulled wine with slices of citrus floating on the top.
Ulrich patted the surface before him with a napkin and shook his head.
“About that court jester.”
“I have a knife,” I interrupted.
His hand stopped and he glanced up. “I have a pulse.” He cocked his head, pointing to his neck. “Want to give it a try? You did fail last time.”
I continued sipping on my drink, allowing the wine to warm the inside of my body while the fire warmed the outside.
I hated how beautiful this place was, with the bright stars glittering above us and the red moon muted on the other side of the sky.
Ulrich’s utensils scraped across his plate, but I did not lift my tray. Instead, I finished my wine and reached for the silver flute in the middle of the table. He grinned at me while I leaned back, continuing to watch as he ate his meal.
“How’s your drink?” he asked, slowly placing his fork on his tongue.
“I wish it were faerie wine,” I grumbled.
His hand thumped the table, startling me. “That ispoison.”
“It’s a drink,” I countered with a scowl.
“It alters every one of your senses. Leaving you defenseless and at the whim of others.”
“Personal experience?” I asked with a laugh, not expecting the snarl that ripped from his throat.
“I suggest you hold your tongue, Brenna.”
I blinked and set my cup down. “How is faerie wine any worse than this?” I lifted my drink again. “Give me a few more glasses, and I am just as likely to remove my dress and roll in the snow nude.”
Ulrich’s grin was mocking and hungry.
I hated it.
“I could certainly call for more if you feel so inclined to give me that show,” he taunted.
I shoved away from the table, wrapping my hands around the mug, attempting to heat my cold fingers. As I approached the fire, I allowed its warmth to work while I gazed at the stars once more.
They sparkled, magically and so much brighter than I had seen them before.
“They are magnificent,” Ulrich said beside me.
I chose to ignore his successful, silent approach.
“Some say the Gods themselves shape the stars and planets above. I say it’s Fate.”
“There is no such thing as fate,” I replied.
“Fate controls all, Brenna. Even me.”
I turned to watch him admiring the sky. His eyes searched. For what? I wasn’t sure. But it was a look I didn’t recognize in the green. A hope and desperation, scanning the vast star-scape above.
“Where are we?” I asked.
Ulrich glanced at me. “On top of the mountain.”
I gasped and observed our surroundings. The trees, covered in snow. The rocky grey ground, also covered in the powder. I stepped forward, stretching my neck to find the light of the city far below.