Page 95 of A Bond in Blood

I stood, brushing as much sand as I could from my dress and shaking out my hair. “I’ll freeze.”

“I’ll warm you,” he replied.

“No.” I stepped back toward the open door. “I would rather not.”

Ulrich’s eyes gleamed under the moonlight. “Perhaps another night?”

I didn’t answer. Instead, I continued my retreat back to the palace, picking up my supplies as I went.

The door shut loudly behind me, but I held my head high. Cursing myself for allowing him to walk behind me.

By the grace of the Gods, my scribbles and notes allowed me to reach the foyers of Ulrich’s passages but once we’d arrived, I could not understand which way to return.

Ulrich approached by my side, pointing a few hallways down.

“Hallway three leads to the floors with the bedrooms.”

“Thank you,” I replied, ignoring the sand still falling from my dress as I walked.

“You are welcome to use twelve for your daily swims,” he said quietly.

“I do not think that is necessary.”

Ulrich grasped my wrist, stopping me in my place. “I would prefer you to stay close, Brenna. Use these passages to my beach.”

I pulled away. “No, I will use the tunnel I found on my own to go to a beach far from you.”

His eyes widened. “And if I command it?”

“Try and stop me,” I challenged.

The same hum that had coiled around us on the beach picked up, lifting my hair. The sound of sand falling filled the space alongside the hum.

“You will use my beach,” Ulrich said slowly.

My body buzzed with his words, and I shook my head. “No.”

His grin went wide.

A deal.

The words infiltrated my mind, blocking out my thoughts. Then it was gone, as quickly as it came, and I glared at the king.

“No,” I repeated.

He blinked at me, taking a step back.

“Fine,” he scoffed. “I can’t save you should the need arise.”

“I only need saving from you, your grace,” I bit back.

“Words to regret,Ursa,” Ulrich muttered.

Chapter 21

Six months.

One hundred and sixty-eight days.