Page 8 of A Bond in Blood

I focused my gaze, observing him from head to toe.

He was large, alarmingly so in both height and stature. His bronzed skin had a glow to it that matched the golden flecks in the braids of his long hair. His defined jaw tightened while my eyes took in his body, taking note of the light scar across his cheek. He was dressed in black leathers and matching long boots stopping at his knees.

He was attractive, yes, but I had no idea who he was.

“I’m sorry,” I replied, allowing my royal formality to sneak through. “I do not know you.”

A bright light filled the room in an instant, blinding me. I raised my hand to my eyes in a panic, trying to focus my vision once more. Then it was gone and the monster from the docks was before me. Now on all fours, grinning wildly with the same elongated canines peeking out from its black lips. The silk black fur glistened once more.

It was Olen.

I was blinded by bright light again and I watched in shock as Olen shifted from the beastly form back to the man who had entered moments before. Only, I realized he wasn’t just a man—he was fae. Of course he was fae, at least Unseelie, with the abilities I’d just seen. It was evident now with his long ears I finally noticed poking out from his braids and the bright golden earrings that ran down only his right ear.

My hands instinctively went to my own pointed ears, though only slightly from my family’s half-fae lineage.

Olen laughed at my shock. “Get up, princess. The king is waiting.”

“I’m not going to that monster,” I refused.

Olen’s amused grin shifted to a tight expression of authority. “You will do as I say and go to your king—now.”

I stared at the man before me, crossing my arms over my chest. Every tutoring of royal manners and respect fought against the stubbornness controlling me. I didn’t have to followthe commands of this shifting monster. The king he referenced was not my king. I was a princess of another land, and I expected to be treated as such.

A foolish expectation considering these beasts were known for their debauchery and lack of manners. That was made even more evident when Olen crossed the cabin and threw me over his shoulders. As though I were nothing but a sack of flour.

“Let me go, you beast!” I yelled out, slamming my hands with all my strength against his back.

His responding laugh rumbled against my chest as my body bobbed against his. I was enraged, while also amazed by the strength of the man. He’d picked me up so effortlessly and there had been nothing I could have done to stop it.

He ducked under the doorframe and the light of the moon shone above, illuminating our path in blood.

“Welcome to the Unseelie Court, princess,” Olen said.

My mouth hung open while he walked across the deck of the ship and onto the gangplank where an assortment of Unseelie fae kept their heads down while he passed. I stared at them, bewildered by their strange physical appearances.

I'd never seen anything like them. I'd of course heard the stories—but to see them with my own eyes?

The scales. The teeth. The wings.

Terrifying monsters that could easily sneak up to torture and terrifying you n the dark. Brutish creatures one would run from. They were awful.

And beautiful.

My head whipped back and forth, taking them all in while Olen continued walking. My desire to fight his hold on me was a distraction from the creatures that lined the dock of this strange king’s land. Olen began to climb and as I looked down, finding stone steps, the reality of my future settled over me.

I didn’t know what was waiting for me at the top of these steps. What cruelty I would be subjected to. What service was expected of me.

Would I even return to my home in a year as the same person I was when I left?

The creaking of a door told me Olen had reached the entrance to whatever building he’d been carrying me to, but I kept my eyes down. I didn’t want to admire the king’s home. I didn’t want to know what the halls of his palace were.

So, I made myself familiar with the dark stone floors until Olen suddenly stopped and dropped me right onto the solid surface.

I exclaimed in shock, jumping to my feet while Olen pointed to the wood door before me.

“Get in there,” he demanded.

“No,” I replied, crossing my arms.