Page 49 of A Bond in Blood

“Enjoying yourself?” the king’s amused voice asked.

I met his eyes then glanced to find his people peering up at me.

“Citizens bow, Brenna,” he stated.

“Citizens of Muspell,” I replied. “I am still a citizen of Nóatún.”

His hands clapped together once more, and he turned away from me, giving me a clear view of his muscled back and the bodies of the creatures wrapping around his own.

“My deals are claimed each day,” he said. “Surprising to seesomany of you failing in your basic responsibilities.”

He turned to face me again then his eyes traveled past my head and his hand rose with a pointed finger.

“Today’s deal is special.”

A shocked cry filled the courtyard, and I blinked, realizing Olen had left my side and was now dragging a woman through the crowd.

“Oh my gods,” I exclaimed, covering my mouth.

I knew her, perhaps not intimately, but she was a Seelie Fae, a member of Oberon’s court.

“Please!” the woman cried out, grabbing my forearm while Olen continued dragging her by the hem of her gown. “Please, princess! He’s a madman!”

I stepped forward, addressing the king.

“Your grace,” I lowered my head. “Please.”

Ulrich was before me in an instant, his eyes staring into mine. “Please, what?”

“Spare her,” I begged.

His head threw back with a laugh. “As much as you’d want to believe, I’m not the one who called for her deal to be claimed.” He turned on his heel, addressing the woman. “Yourkinghas informed me you’ve failed him.”

My eyes widened while my mind attempted to remember the name of the woman cowering before the Unseelie King. She was familiar, a face I’d seen countless times in the crowd. Her laugh—one of her distinguishable features—rang in my mind.

Who was she?

A question plaguing my mind.

“My king,” she sobbed. “Please.”

Ulrich lifted her chin, and her dark curls fell around her face. “I’m not your king.”

I rubbed my temple, praying the Gods would stop whatever this madness was.

What was her name?

Frustrated tears lined my eyes and then I jumped.

“Sigrun!” I cried out.

The woman’s head snapped in my direction and her shoulders sagged.

Ulrich turned back to me, a vile smile across his lips. “You are familiar?”

I stepped forward, holding my hands out in a plea. “She’s a member of one of the queens’ personal courts. I’ve met her when spending time with Titania.”

Ulrich’s body went stiff, and hisses echoed throughout the courtyard. I chose to ignore them, keeping my eyes on the woman.