Page 40 of A Bond in Blood

“Are you finished?” I demanded.

“No,” he grinned, taking another horribly slow bite.

“Stop doing that!”

“I.” Another bite. “Am.” Then another. “Eating.”

“Is there no other way to eat something? Must you make it so—” I tried to come up with the correct word when his voice broke through my thoughts.


I snorted—loudly—with full intent.

“That is not sensual.”

His responding laugh startled me, and I watched as he threw his half-eaten meal back onto his plate. “You’re right. That wasn’t. Please sit, Brenna.”

My hands shook at my sides. I’d already lost, too quickly. So frustratingly fast and here he was, offering me another chance.

“Why am I here?” I asked, ignoring his request.

“We’re having a meal in my private dining room.”

I observed the room while he spoke, finding a door to the side of the hearth.

“Where does that lead?” I inquired, pointing.

My head turned back to him, finding an amused smile on his face.

“That hallway you ran down.”

My eyes widened and my mouth opened. “No, it does not.”

“Yes, it does.”

“No,” I pushed. “The only other door in that hallway was the one that led to Olen’s room.”

“How was it, finding him nude and enjoying some carnal pleasure?” Ulrich asked, trying to get beneath my skin again.

“Absolutely fine,” I replied. “Your right hand iswellendowed.”

A noise thumped beneath the table, and I jumped. “Did I hit a nerve?”

Ulrich’s hands rose and he grinned again. “Absolutely not. Enjoy him if you’d like. He’s rather rowdy in the bedroom.”

I chose not to ask how in the Gods he knew that and instead turned my heel, heading for the door.

“Where are you going?” Ulrich asked.

“Back to my room,” I replied.

He was in front of me before I could take my next breath. Towering over me like a terrifying vyking.

“I didn’t excuse you,” he said, leaning close.

“Get out of my way.” I smiled sweetly. “Please.”

He leaned closer, forcing me to take a step back. “We have a predicament, princess. One we must discuss like the trained royals we both are.”