Page 34 of A Bond in Blood

“Get her cleaned up and take her into one of the spare bedrooms,” Ulrich whispered.

“What?” Olen replied

I kept my eyes forward, staring at the darkness above. Uttering a word could have meant Ulrich’s sudden kindness would be revoked and I wouldn’t risk a night of solitude.

“She’s injured, she’s bleeding, and she made a sopping mess of my bedroom and bathing room. Give her a room until those wounds heal and then…” The heat from before appeared above me once more and his hand brushed my cheek. “Then she’ll warmmybed.

In an instant the candlelight in the room returned and Ulrich’s soul-chilling presence was gone. I blinked through the shock of sudden light, turning my head. Following immediately was my surprised scream when I found myself staring right at Olen’s full erection.

“Oh my gods!” I yelled, covering my eyes.

“Like what you see?” he asked with a teasing little lilt to his question.

“How can you still be aroused?” I cried out, shaking my head.

“Well, I wasn’t until Ulrich left and I remembered I have a naked woman in this palace somewhere whose forgiveness I have to beg for.”

“Then go!” I replied, keeping my eyes closed while my hands motioned to the doors I’d seen her run out of.

He groaned and I allowed myself to glance over, finding his bare buttocks while he reached for a towel.

“I would, but my king has given me an order. Get up. Let’s go find you a room.”

My cheeks burned with annoyance that I was alone with a naked man. After I’d just run away from another naked man. What kind of fucked up palace was this where I didn’t have the autonomy to deny being surrounded by uncovered cocks?

“Something on your mind?” Olen asked, turning to me with a smile on his face.

I scoffed then moved to pull myself off the floor. Only my skin stuck to the stone and tears sprang from my eyes again.

“I’m going to be sick!” I cried, falling back against the stone.

Olen rushed to me, his hand wrapping around mine. “Gods,” he whispered. “Stay here.”

As if I could have attempted to move, I nodded my head, staring up at the ceiling. I listened as Olen’s footsteps ran across the room and his door swung open with abang. Then they retreated down whatever hall his rooms were located in, leaving me in silence with only the iron smell of my blood to keep company.

My eyes rolled as I waited, accepting my new Fate. Unknown to Ulrich, this newest battle between us may have been the one that took me from thisgame. He’d successfully rid himself of his opponent. Even if he hadn’t meant to.

My head tilted to the side as my hands went lax against my body.

I was losing blood. At least I thought I was. Calloused hands gently lifted me from the ground. I turned my head, expecting to find Ulrich but to my shock, my gaze landed on an older gentleman. His stature was about the same size as Ulrich andOlen but his eyes—they were kind and surrounded by aged wrinkles.

My vision grew black when it dawned on me; Ulrich had a mortal healer.

Chapter 9

“There are limits to cruelty!” an unfamiliar voice yelled out in the haze fogging my mind.

“There are laws and rules I must abide by!” a second voice shouted back.

My body went cold, and I kept my eyes shut. I may not have known who the first voice was, but the second voice had been haunting my nightmares. The king who found pleasure in my pain and suffering.

“My king,” the first voice said quietly.

Silence layered over the room. My breaths quickened in my chest while I hoped whatever room I’d been carried to would empty soon. I needed nothing more than the solitude I’d hoped for when Ulrich had left me in Olen’s room, allowing me a space to myself.

“Frode,” Ulrich’s voice rose with command. “Do what you must. I expect her to be healed and back on her feet in two days.”

“Yes, my King,” the unfamiliar voice replied, which I had just learned belonged to someone namedFrode.