I lowered myself further into the tub, losing myself in the weightlessness. Not caring if the man above was possibly watching. Even knowing the white gown was likely sheer now, revealing my most intimate places.
The hem of the gown floated around my thighs, dancing against the water. It lapped against my skin while I stared up at the void of the room, realizing he’d somehow blocked the skylight above.
I chose to ignore it, releasing a relaxed breath. That was until the water moved, and to my horror, Ulrich was climbing into the tub on the other end.
I scrambled upward, covering my body. Suddenly caring how thin that gown was.
“You looked comfortable,” he said casually while the water level rose as he lowered himself down.
“You can’t see me,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Yes I can. You’re looking less like a wild beast.”
I moved to stand but his legs wrapped around mine, holding me in my place.
“Release me!” I demanded.
He let out a content sigh. “No. I’m rather comfortable.”
My legs thrashed beneath his, making the water around us lap over the edge of the tub. The sound of the liquid hit the floor, echoing around the room. Yet he didn’t release me. Instead, his hold tightened.
How in the Gods are his legs this strong?
I tried to fight but each movement sent jolting shocks of pain down my back. Reminding me once again of the wounds he’d inflicted on my skin. I knew I had to stop. I had to allow the water to cool my wounds, but I didn’t care. I leaned forward, reaching through the darkness, trying to aim at his face.
His hands gripped mine, stopping me instantly. His hold grew tight, painful and controlling. “No,” he said calmly.
I twisted my wrists, burning my skin against his, trying to break from his hold. To my frustration, he responded by plunging my hands into the water, away from my target.
“Calm down,” he said.
I yelled again, flailing my legs under his. Trying to get his unbreaking calm to crack. Trying to get him to react to my wild movements.
“Let me go!” I commanded.
“Gods, you’re an animal,” he laughed.
My fingers moved under the water, searching for anything to claw. To hurt him like he had me. My nail brushed against skin and I froze.
“Well,” his voice dropped, “I didn’t realize you wanted toplay.”
I threw my head back with a scream, somehow surprised the king had shucked every last shred of clothing on his body.
“You’re completely nude!”
“I am in a bath,” he replied.
I shook, trying to find a thread of strength in my body. Anything that could overpower his unnaturally large body.
A thought, simple and fleeting, crossed my mind. Just enough to slow my frantic heart.
I cursed the lack of light but smiled a sweet, sultry smile. I knew what men, both mortal and fae preferred. Gods, I’d used my body to get my way plenty of times in my life.
I relaxed my shoulders, dropping my voice like he’d dropped his. “I didn’t realize playing was an option.”
It was silent on the other end of the tub, and I was sure I had perhaps failed. He let out a heavy breath.
“Come here,” he replied.