Titania’s laugh echoed in the room while the morning light of the sun began to shine through the windows.
“Oh, she did, Enok. She’s warmed his bed for months. She’s been his littlewhoreat his side.”
Enok’s rage was unmistakable. His hands trembled and my head went down in shame, unable to stare the man in the eyes.
But the king surprised me with his response.
“My daughter is a woman who can do as she wishes with her body. You will not speak of her that way when the entire court is aware of your constant humping of your own whores,queen.”
Titania’s rage unleashed and she snapped her fingers. The guards dragged Enok’s staff forward, forcing them to their knees.
“Do you want them to die, Enok?” she demanded. “Do you want to be responsible for their deaths?”
Enok struggled against the guards. “Where is Oberon?”
Titania laughed. “Poisoned on his faerie wine and likely fucking Mab. Why does it matter?”
“He won’t let you do this,” Enok spat.
“He lets me do whatever I wish to avoid me leaving him, Enok. ThosewhoresI hump? Those are given to me by Oberon. To keep me happy.”
Her hand gripped at my fur, forcing me to look into her eyes. “Watch this, Ulrich. Watch the power I have.”
Her hand shoved between my shoulder blades, forcing me to lower and watch her bloodshed. Screams echoed around the grand hall while her guards started their slicing. Knives across necks, spears into sides.
A massacre.
Of everyone Brenna loved.
Enok shouted on his throne, screaming out his rage, unable to fight while her guards held him in place. Forcing him to watch the bloodshed.
And when I thought it was done. When I thought she had her fill of horror, she bent to my level.
“Shift, Ulrich.”
My body moved again, my bones cracking inside of me. I fell, my paws turning back to hands, gripping the floor of the hall. My hair fell over my face while I heaved from the pain.
“Silence him, Ulrich,” Titania ordered. “Keep his disrespectful tongue quiet.”
My eyes went up and I met Enok’s eyes. My body began to shake, trying to fight her words.
“Now!” she demanded.
I stalked forward and my shadows came out, going straight for the king. I glanced down, watching my skin turn translucent, my ancient power hoping to claim its next meal—the lives that keep me living.
I fought her, the entire walk toward the throne. Watching Enok’s eyes burn with hate. He was unmoving, determined.
Fuck, he was exactly like his daughter.
“I thought you would have protected her,” Enok snapped at me. “You will break her. You willruinher.”
I nodded once.
“Kill me, beast,” he demanded. “And send your soul into the darkest depths of torment.”
I knew my face had shifted to one of pale bones by the fear in Enok’s eyes. It was there, the soul, swimming in his body, reaching toward my power.
“My soul has resided in Hel for eternity,” I whispered. “What else do you expect from its king?”