Page 204 of A Bond in Blood

I popped to my feet, brushing him away. “I am fine,” I groaned.

I kept running. Perhaps he was with father. Perhaps everything was fine, and I had not ruined anything. His ship was still there. Still waiting for me. Never leaving me.

The bird followed me while I ran through town, even ducking so low I thought it would attempt to peck at my head.

“Get away!” I shouted at it again, picking up a pebble and throwing it, trying not to hit the animal but startle it.

It appeared to work. The pebble flew over the bird’s head, and it squawked angrily then flew off.

When I was almost to the palace, I noticed Oberon’s ship still in the harbor and my heart sank.

Ulrich would not be in the palace if Oberon were there. Or—

Hope rose in my chest. Would he?

Would he request both of my kings’ permission?

Not for my hand. I did not believe either of us were ready for that step, but for their approval for us to be—whatever we were.

I approached the palace doors, reaching for them but they flung open before I could grasp the handles. I stepped back, startled by the movement. Even more startled by who waited on the other side.

Titania stared at me with her eyes wild.

“Brenna,” she said sweetly.

I let out a breath of relief. Falling to my knees.

“My queen.” I lifted my hands, ready to plead for myself and Ulrich.

Titania bent to my level, lifting my chin with her hands. An action that suddenly made me weary. She stroked my knotted hair, then met my eyes.

“You smell ofhim,” she sneered.

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to protest when someone grasped my arms from behind me.

“Vengeance is sweet,” their voice whispered.

I snapped my head back, finding Bjorn with his arms wrapped around me.

“Unhand me!” I screamed.

He gripped tighter and that damned bird attacked, pecking at Bjorn’s head.

“Grab that beast!” Titania ordered and guards ran out past her, chasing the bird.

“Bring her,” the queen snapped.

Bjorn kept his arms on me, dragging me through the palace. An empty palace.

Where was everyone?

Titania threw the great-hall doors open, and I gasped at what I saw. My father was seated on his small throne with our entire staff behind them. His brown eyes were frantic, but when he opened his mouth, no sound came out. My heart raced and I stared at our staff, wondering why none of them moved. My eyes then found it, the thin layer of shadows, holding them all back. I turned my gaze back to my father, finding a thin band of shadows across his lips.

What was Ulrich doing?

I turned my head, trying to find him, but gasped again when I found Olen in the middle of the room in his beast-form.

Titania laughed again.