My hands balled the skirts of my dress when it finally arrived. As I scanned the massive hull, my stomach sank. It was as terrifying as I’d heard.
My eyes tried and failed to take it in in its entirety, where it towered over me. Casting a dark shadow across what had been a bright morning. Looming over my little home like the bringer of death itself.
Ropes came from the sides and more screams echoed behind me at the monsters sliding down the tethers. They were horrible, grey, with tiny black horns on their heads. Even worse were theirblood-red eyes that stared at us all as though we were their next meal before their claws dug into the wood of the ship and they climbed back up the hull.
When they’d disappeared over the edge, the gangplank slammed against the dock.
I stepped back, heart racing when father’s hand found mine, grasping it tightly.
In the haze, I’d forgotten he was beside me. I returned his grip and bit back my cry, horrified by the shining, black creature approaching us on all fours, ripping fear throughout my body.
It was like a bear, but so much worse. Broad, muscled shoulders, paws larger than mine and my father’s clasped hands together, with claws dragging against the dock. Its face— Gods was it horrifying. The snout, more elongated than a bear’s and thin, black lips at the end. It’s head was massive, terrifying.
I lost my senses while I watched the creature, not realizing my people had all scattered. Or that my father had released my hand.
I could only focus on the beast. The shine of its fur catching the small amount of sunlight barely shining through the gray clouds. The dark red scar running down the upper half of its face. The sickening cold that grew closer with each of its steps.
The black eyes staring right into my soul.
“Why wait, king?” the creature asked.
The rasp in its deep voice startled me and my father remained silent.
I glanced at him, eyes widening at the fear splayed across his face. He appeared utterly unable to speak while his mouth opened and closed. Like something had taken the tongue right from his mouth.
With one step forward, I squared my shoulders. “We wait for my betrothed,” I answered.
The beast’s eyes flashed briefly with what appeared to be amusement.
“Hello, Brenna,” it growled.
My skin pricked at the sound of my name on the beast’s tongue. It was unnatural to hear it from a creature so terrifying.
Its eyes flashed with amusement again. Likely due to my silence before it turned its attention back to my father.
“I am Olen, the right hand of the Unseelie King. I come on his behalf.”
To my shock, my father sank to his knees. “Please.” His hands rose as though he were praying to the Gods. “I know of thedeal once made, but please.”
I bit back my disgust. My father wasbegging?What had overcome the usually stoic and unfaltering man?
Olen—the creature—grinned and brilliant white teeth shone through silky black. Long canines protruded over its lips while it replied, “A deal once made. A deal cannot be broken.”
My father didn’t move. His hands remained raised in pleading while his arms began to shake.
“Please,” he repeated.
The creature only blinked in response while the wind and rain grew thicker.
Taking control, I stepped forward, pointing at the ship. “Sir Olen, I’m sure the Unseelie King has his reasons, but please, my betrothed will arrive soon. Can you not take your discussions with my father elsewhere while I wait?”
The creature’s laugh boomed out and lightning cracked in the sky.
I stepped back, blinking away my shock when one of those smaller Unseelie monsters walked down the gangplank. Its clawed hand wrapped around a small sack. The creature passed the item to Olen, glancing at me once with a vile smile while it returned to the ship.
I turned my attention back to Olen who grinned that unsettling smile before throwing the sack my way.