Page 192 of A Bond in Blood

“Brenna,” she said softly. “Are you well?”

“Yes, your grace,” I whispered.

She eyed me, stepping back while her face went solemn.

“Hilde was a great woman.”

“Yes, your grace.”

“She always knew when to offer respect.”

I nodded.

“She also knew when to speak her mind,” the queen continued.

I smiled and met her eyes. “Yes, your grace. She did.”

“I liked that about her.”

“I did as well.”

Titania held out her hand and I grasped it, thankful for her familiar kindness. Her head turned to my father, whispering with King Oberon.

“Isn’t my husband handsome?” she whispered.

I startled, allowing myself to turn to the king. His long white hair was shining in the candlelight. A metal crown of branches sat atop his head while his hand grasped the hand of another woman—Mab, his other wife.

“Your grace,” I replied. “I cannot comment on your husband’s features. Is that not disrespectful?

Titania laughed. “I guess it could be considered as such.” She turned back to face me, offering me a smile. “Are you celebrating your birthday with me this year? It’s the end of the blood moon. A rather exciting event.”

My chest rose with a twinge of pain while my thoughts went to Ulrich, but I nodded.

“Oh good,” she whispered. “Aesir will be so ready for nights without that ghastly red. Please let your father know you are to arrive a full month before the harvest.”

My brow crumpled. “Your grace?”

She smiled. “The whole of Aesir lives in a month-long celebration. It’s rather spectacular. It is a command, Brenna.” Her voice became stern.

I nodded. “Yes, your grace. I look forward to it.”

She squeezed my hand tightly. With more strength than I thought her small frame had. Then she left me.

A voice cleared beside me, and I glanced over, finding my father.


“Not now,” I snapped.

I walked away, ready to leave this dinner that was quickly turning to a party with Oberon’s presence. His hand came out, wrapping around my wrist, stopping me.

“Unhand me!” I shouted.

Every head turned our direction. Glasses clattered against the tables and Oberon gave me an odd smile.

I hated it. Having to keep my mouth shut when I knew that the king being paraded and admired had murdered all of those people. Sending their heads to Ulrich’s shores.

Shattering all of those Unseelie faes’ hearts.