Olen’s paws clinked against the wooden deck. His warm body brushed my leg, and my hand went to his fur.
“Olen,” I sobbed. “What if she is not…?”
Olen’s shoulders shook. “Do not, princess. This ship has been moving at its highest speed. It has only been days since Frode received word and we left Muspell. Do not lose hope.”
I gripped the edge of the ship, unable to accept that I was at the helm of the vessel that had taken me nearly a year before. ThatIwas the one approaching, likely terrifying my people in the distance.
Rain and clouds did not follow us while we made our approach, and instead of screams of fear, my ears pricked at shouts.
Proclamations of excitement.
“They’re waiting for you,” Olen whispered, nipping at my fingers.
My tears were heavy and thick when the gangplank hit the dock. Olen butted his snout to my knees, trying to push me to descend into the echoing screams.
I turned around. “You are coming with me, correct?” I asked.
He shook his head.
“I was tasked with returning you to the dock I took you from, princess. This is goodbye.”
“No,” I cried. “Please at least walk me to my home. Please.”
Olen shook his head once more. “Princess, I would terrify them all. Go home, Brenna. Gohome.”
He backed away and I ran to him, dropping to my knees, wrapping my arms around his thick neck.
“Don’t let it claim him,” I muttered through my sobs. “Whatever it is that he fights. Do not let it claim him.”
Olen was stiff in my arms, his body heaving with his breaths.
“I will do my best,” he growled.
I wiped my tears and stood, watchingtrollcarry my trunks away. Followed by startled shouts below.
I chuckled then shook my head, allowing my expression to shift to my mask of my home’s dutiful princess.
“I will miss you, Bren,” Olen said when my foot hit the gangplank.
I twisted to him, my eyes wide. “What did you just call me?”
He winked then backed away, motioning me forward with his snout.
My hands trembled at my sides when I turned again, making my descent. Into the arms of my joyous people and their relieved sobs.
“My grandmother,” I called out to them. “Please, I must get to her.”
“I will take you.”
Relief, mingled with hate, rose in my chest when I found my father before me with his own tears running down his face.
I said nothing, refusing to argue with the king before his people.
“We must hurry,” he whispered.
I allowed him to take my hand, pulling me through the crowd. But my eyes did not follow him. No, I turned my head, watching the black vessel sail away. Finding the dark creature at its helm.