I fell, gripping my chest while my sobs tumbled from me. Why was I running to him? What did I need from him? Help? Comfort?
His presence hit me in the chest and my eyes snapped up, watching him slowly climb out of the carriage. His black horned mask tight and terrifying.
His shadows lifted him as the omen of death that he was, sending him across the gravel without his feet touching the ground.
He landed before me, his eyes scanning me from head to toe.
“Frode has told you.”
I sobbed, holding my bleeding foot. “Yes.”
“Go home, Brenna,” Ulrich replied, his eyes blank while he stared into mine. “Go home and never return to this island.”
I stared in shock and my tears fell faster. “What?”
He was sending me...home? Why? Was this another ploy? Another trick to confuse me?
“Go. Home.” He replied as he turned from me, slowly returning to his carriage.
“Why?” I sobbed, slamming my hands against the gravel. “Why? What about my rules? The deal?”
“A deal once made,” was all he said, leaving me with my wound.
Heavy breaths approached behind me, but I did not pull my eyes from the retreating king. I did not look away when he climbed back into his carriage. I did not blink while that carriage pulled him away and toward the city.
Calloused hands wrapped around my arms, pulling me upward.
“Come, your highness,” Frode whispered. “We must prepare your departure.”
“He’s sending me home,” I cried. “Home.”
Frode grunted his acknowledgement of my words. He led me away, limping from my wound, but I kept my head turned, watching the king until we were back in the palace and the doors slammed in my face.
Frode’s arms around me grew tight.
“We have to be quick, your highness. Hilde does not have much time.”
I was in a haze while Frode led me through the palace. One I could not pull myself from. One I did not want to allow to lift from my mind.
Even with the pain of my bleeding foot, I could not focus on anything other than Ulrich.
He was sending me home.
Without my request.
Did this mean our deal was done? Was I no longer bound by his ancient oath?
Frode helped me to the bedroom, setting me gently onto the mattress.
“I will return with Adalie,” he said softly.
I nodded—once—as Ulrich would.
A sad smile graced Frode’s expression, and then he left me in the room.
Within minutes claws were clinking across the stone, and I glanced up to find Olen in beast form, staring at me.
“You’re leaving,” he mumbled.