Page 166 of A Bond in Blood

“She’s confident today,” he snarled.

“I suggest you hold your tongue,” Ulrich replied. “She can change your punishment at any time,cousin, do not forget that.”

Bjorn’s smile turned to a mischievous, sweet expression. One I hated instantly.

“Princess,” he hissed. “Would you give me another chance?”

Ulrich released his hold on me, and I stepped forward, then crouched to meet Bjorn's eyes.

“What was your intention with me?” I whispered.

Bjorn’s eyes went wide with glee. “What do you think, princess? My cock needed someone to bury into. It prefers women who do not fight back.”

My hand connected with his cheek and I stood, returning to my place between Ulrich and Olen.

Bjorn took several moments to lift his head before he laughed, that annoying, shrill sound.

“Do you not remember what I told you, princess? He will ruin you. He will rip you to pieces with little to no remorse. You are setting yourself up to be destroyed.”

I remained quiet while I inhaled deep breaths, trying to ground myself and my anger.

Ulrich leaned down, his beard and the edge of his dark mask brushed my neck.

“Remember that rage Harold ignited inside of you? Remember the thickness of his blood on your skin?”

I snapped my head up, meeting the king’s eyes.

Olen leaned in, brushing my arm. “It’s just another life, Brenna. Claim it.”

The heat of them pressing me between their bodies and the waiting eyes of Ulrich’s people was too much. I shook my head, stepping back slightly.

“This fool deserves his banishment,” I announced. “Death is the easy way out of facing his crimes.”

Ulrich’s eyes glassed over with amusement, but he titled his chin in acknowledgement of my words.

My breaths trembled with relief. He was upholding our agreement.

Bjorn would not die at my hands.

Ulrich lifted his kin by the neck of his thread-bare shirt and tossed him into the air. I jumped back in surprise, watching theman fly until his body crashed into the small boat tied to the dock.

Olen approached me again, dropping his voice.

“Ulrich will give you a knife and you will cut that rope. Do you understand?”

I nodded.

Ulrich turned, as though he was aware of my agreement and his hand flicked out, revealing one of his shadow knives.

“MyLady,” he whispered.

My hands did not tremble when I grasped the end of the knife, wrapping my palm around the shadow handle.

Bjorn stared at me with hate in his eyes while I crouched down.

“You stupidwhore,” he sneered from the boat.

“I may be Ulrich’s whore,” I replied, “but at leastImade the choice to be so.”