My body shook, violently, causing the bed to tremble while my legs convulsed with my release. Each time I thought I was done, a wave came over me, drowning me in pleasure and ecstasy. My body happily accepting their insistence for me to lose myself.
To let go.
When I could no longer move, they both pulled from me. Each offering my neck a kiss on either side. Ulrich’s arm pulled me onto his chest while Olen’s body lifted from the bed. His footsteps retreated to the bathing room and water turned on before I finally met Ulrich’s eyes again.
He stared back while his hand ran down my back.
“I think you’re going to destroy me, Brenna,” he whispered. “No—I’m certain you will.”
I did not know what he meant, I only knew he likely was not wrong. Because I was already destroyed and claimed by him.
I was fully at his mercy.
Chapter 33
Another two weeks passed before Ulrich had called us all to the dock for Bjorn’s public banishment.
I stood behind him, refusing to step forward while the citizens of his city and island gathered. Despite this banishment being called by my own words, I could not bring myself to watch.
Olen appeared at my side, his clattering earrings giving away his approach. I glanced up at him and he gave me a sly smile.
“Princess,” he whispered.
“Olen,” I replied, turning my eyes to Ulrich’s back once more.
“The prisoner is being brought from the dungeons. Has Ulrich not explained your part in this?”
I met Olen’s eyes, stumbling a step backward.
“What? My part?”
Olen grinned further. “Brenna, this isyourbanishment. Ulrich will require your part in it all. You will cut the rope that sends the small ship away and out toward the mist.”
I turned my head right as Ulrich twisted his body in my direction. His smile was wide, manic, and wild.
“Olen, thank you for explaining. I wasn’t looking forward to another argument today,” he laughed.
I clamped my mouth shut. It wasn’t worth refuting his decision. Not publicly. Not with something that I could feel was too important for Ulrich and his people.
Ulrich and Olen turned at the clanking ring of chains dragging down the docks. I, however, kept my eyes forward while I took a step toward Ulrich.
The king didn’t glance my way when I arrived at his side. His hand ran down my arm and he leaned down, whispering for only mine and Olen’s ears to hear.
“Good girl.”
My blood went hot.
I turned my eyes to Olen who had a fire in his gaze. Heat that made my knees weak.
Ulrich’s hand went to my wrist, holding it tightly. A subtle show of his control and ownership of me.
One I did not turn away from.
Bjorn’s smile was sickening when Ulrich’s dark monsters deposited him at the king’s feet. His beard was still thick, but his face was no longer swollen.
Bruised, yes, but you could see his features once more.
“My king,” Bjorn sneered. His eyes went to mine and I held back my recoil. Instead, I held my head high, staring back at him.