Olen took my hand, pulling me to follow him. “Yes, there is.”
I wanted to go through the hidden door in the bedroom, to slip into the ballroom under the safety of shadows, but Olen had other plans. He led us through the open hallways, passing partygoers as he went.
The Unseelie fae, adorned in their best suits and gowns. There was more clothing on the bodies of Ulrich’s court and palace than I had seen in the eight months I’d been captive.
Olen stopped when we reached the open ballroom doors. He blocked the room from my sight and stared into my eyes.
“You realize everything could change in a moment,” he whispered.
I stepped back. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
Olen glanced behind him then met my gaze again. “Brenna, there issomuch you do not know. So much I am duty bound from telling you.”
He turned on his heel, leaving me bewildered in my spot. I moved to follow when the cold arrived, ripping me from my confusion. Stealing the breath from my lungs. Calling to me and my sin-stained soul.
I lifted my gaze, finding Ulrich before me.
Dressed as Death.
His outfit startled me. A dark, black suit and the death mask on his face. One of bones, one I had not seen before. One that emanated sorrow.
Along the bones were the same symbols inked onto his arms.
He said nothing, grasping my wrist gently while he pulled me into the ballroom. His people all bowed to both of us as he guided me through.
“I hate this,” I whispered.
He stopped and pulled me against his chest, resting his hand at my back.
“I thought you only wanted respect. I thought it was all you begged for,” he muttered.
My knees grew weak while I stared into his green eyes.
“I do not want respect because I have suddenly allowed you access to me.”
He held me closer.
“I can promise that is not the case.”
“Then I am respected because they fear me. Thewraithof the king. The woman now dressed like one of the corpses you force her to claim.”
Ulrich smiled, his teeth bright in the sensual light of the room.
“You do no claiming.”
“I stand by and do nothing while I allow Olen to claim your deals and innocent souls,” I replied.
“Have you seen a soul?” he asked, lifting my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze.
The metal of my mask bit into my cheeks but I remained silent. I did not want to offer him the satisfaction of a response.
He pulled his hand from my back, then brushed it down my arm while his eyes pulled away. His smile crept up, lifting his lips slightly.
“It’s a shimmering silver leaving the body. Illuminated under the sun and moon. A barely visible wisp in the wind before it’s claimed.” His hold on my chin tightened. “You are not dressed like a corpse.”
My breaths grew heavy while his voice lowered.
“You are dressed like asoul.”