Because that’s what this was. I was his prisoner. I was a pawn in the game he played.
I was his opponent in our battle.
And he was the monster.
I returned to the bathing room, pulling my gown off. My tears lined my eyes, and I stood before the mirror, twisting my body slowly.
I hadn’t taken a look, not once in these months. Even after Frode had confirmed I was healed.
I turned my head, staring at the scars on my back.
My tears poured from my eyes, hitting the floor. Falling until no tears were left. Until I was sure my body had run dry.
I pulled my gown back over my body before I cleared my throat and returned to the bedroom. My eyes went to the doors leading out to the main hall. Knowing the king waited for his dinner companion.
His irritation likely growing the longer I took.
Then they went to the hidden door and the hallway that led to the room of the mysteriously frustrating right hand.
The other monster in my life.
Finally, my gaze went to the last door out of the room.
I stepped forward and my feet landed on something firm.
My gaze snapped down and my eyes widened.
A key—a key was at my feet.
I picked up it, holding it to my chest as I crossed the room. I shoved the metal into the lock and threw open the door that had led me to my prison.
The cold air from the stairwell wrapped around my lungs.
I glanced back at the bedroom, regret heavy in my heart, then I stepped over the threshold. A strong part of me wanted to run, like so many times before. But another part of me was in a trance; my own despair numbing me from any logical thoughts.
The staircase spiraled downward, and the smell of the sea called for me. My hands trembled against the stone walls while I descended and prayed Ulrich would not return anytime soon.
That I would somehow find a boat to take me off this island long before he came ripping the door of the hinges.
It was a foolish thought, I knew.
I arrived at another door and threw it open, finding the docks below.
“Thank the Gods,” I sobbed, rushing toward the water.
When my foot hit the wood, I was sure I’d made my escape. Until the light of the moon was replaced with shadows. Followed by a cold so frigid my tears froze on my face.
I stopped my steps, pulling my gaze up.
“Where are you going?” the Unseelie King asked with a wicked grin.
I stepped to the side, eyeing the docks behind him.
“I’m leaving.”
“You’re going nowhere,” he replied.
I fell to my knees. “Please, Ulrich. Please let me go.”