“Traitors receive punishment from those they betrayed.”
Olen grabbed the hem of my gown, pulling me into the courtyard. His feet dragged through the gravel, but I could not fight him. Not when my legs shook beneath me, barely holding my body upright.
He dropped my gown when we arrived before Ulrich.
I stared at the king, my stomach twisting at the rage in his eyes and the same death mask he’d worn the night before tight across his face.
He smiled at me before pointing to the man on the ground.
“He betrayed your trust.”
I turned my gaze to Bjorn, finding the man staring at me with hate.
“What trust?” I asked.
Ulrich’s voice echoed across the courtyard. “The Rite is bloody. It is ancient. It is our tribute to never forget. But it is all based ontrust.”
The king turned back to me. “This creature broke yours. He poisoned you for his own pleasure.”
Bjorn spat at the ground. “She’s awhore, cousin. Whores do not deserve anything more than a good humping.”
The sound of Ulrich’s fist connecting with Bjorn’s jaw echoed over the shocked gasps of those watching, myself included.
Bjorn’s black blood dripped from his mouth as his head lifted. His teeth dragged across his lips and his finger touched the blood.
“Interesting,” he muttered.
Ulrich’s shadows appeared, pulling Bjorn upward. The shackles rattled and Bjorn let out a groan while his arms stretched back behind him.
I stepped back, bumping into Olen while Ulrich whispered something into the man’s ear.
“Cousin,” I dropped my voice to Olen. “That is Ulrich’s kin?”
Olen snarled. “Distant. Very. Very distant.”
Bjorn let out a shrill laugh when Ulrich dropped him to the ground.
“Brenna, a decision,” the king snapped.
I startled, meeting his gaze. “I don’t understand.”
“Death,” voices chanted around us.
I watched while feet stomped the earth, creating a beat similar to the one that had started the Rite. The gravel lifted with the force of it all, shaking the very dirt of the earth.
“What do we do with him?” Ulrich asked, approaching me.
“I thought you killed the traitor?” I whispered.
Ulrich’s hand brushed my cheek, the touch drowned out the beastly chants filling the courtyard.
“The Rite requires a sacrifice. After a deal based on treason is uttered.” He turned back to the man staring at us. “This beast betrayedyou.”
“He said he was going to claim your throne!”
My words came out in a shout and the chants stopped.