Page 103 of A Bond in Blood

We made it to the circular room and he picked up my tools without addressing me. He grasped my wrist again, guiding me through hallway three and up the stairs to the bedroom.

My chest was frantic by the time he threw his bedroom door open, tossing my things to the side.

“You don’t listen,” he whispered. “You do not listen.”

He led me to the bed then knelt before me, shocking and terrifying me all at the same time.

“You cannot go back to that hallway, do you understand?” he asked.

I blinked at him.

“Brenna?” he snapped his fingers in my face.

“You are kneeling before me,” I muttered.

He glanced down, then met my eyes. “Yes, Brenna, I am. The Unseelie King is on his knees, asking you to do as he says. Can you do that?”

My hands trembled on the bed. “Where does that door lead?”

Ulrich stood, lifting his hands with frustration. “Fate fuck it all! Are you not listening?”

“You don’t listen to me!” I yelled back. “You have yet to hear a single thing I’ve said.”

His hands gripped my face, pulling me toward him. “Tell me then,Ursa. What have I notheard?”

The green eyes behind his silver mask were alive with a burn behind them as he stared at me. He shook my head softly, his hands on my face tightening but not painful.

“Tell me. Tell me and I will hear,” he whispered.

His breathing was slow, as slow as my own then I blinked myself back to reality.

“Unhand me,” I demanded.

He stood, releasing my face and taking a step away.

“Stop putting your hands on me.”

He nodded once.

“Stop jesting that you will usemybody toyourpleasure.”

Another nod.

My feet were moving me upward and I approached him, one finger raised and pointed in his face. “Never, and I meannever,call me a whore again.”

Ulrich’s blank expression broke with a slight smile while I waved my finger. But he nodded once more.

“Take off your mask,” I said.

His smile dropped and he stepped back. “That I cannot do.”

I let out a huff, turning back to the bed. “It was worth a try.”

The room went quiet, and I gazed around the space.

“Why do you have three separate entrances to your room? I would assume that to be a risk for the king.”

“Who’s going to try and kill the Unseelie King?” He met my eyes and grinned. “Other than a foolish half-fae woman?”