Cooper was such a big, important part of my life that at first I couldn’t bring myself to even visit his grave, let alone throw the ring away. I don’t know when I stopped thinking about the future we lost, and the look on his face the last time I saw him, but I know I did, and I know it’s because of Caiden. Because he’s everything to me.
He’s my entire universe.
After driving for two hours, my eyes feel heavy and my body tired, the darkness and the persistent rain making the drive more tiresome than usual. I pull into the services, park my car, then make a dash to the entrance, shaking the water from my hair once I’m undercover. Ordering the largest coffee on the menu, I take a seat in one of the food court booths, lean my head against the wall and take large gulps of my drink, hoping the caffeine works fast.
There’s an older couple sitting at a small table opposite me. The lady, wearing a mint green jumper and a black scarf, tips her head at me and I return the gesture then stare blankly out the window, following the raindrops that draw patterns down the glass.
I’m startled out of my daze when a hand lands on my shoulder. I blink, then blink again and follow the length of arm until my eyes land on the same lady as before. She places a new cup of coffee in front of me.
“Sorry to disturb you, I thought you looked like you could do with another one.” She nods at the drink before adding, “Are you okay?”
Wrapping my hands around the warm cup, I put it to my lips and take a sip. It’s hot and milky, and the first sip burns my tongue, but I take another before putting it back on the table. The lady moves opposite me then slides into the booth.
I glance at her partner, who shrugs and returns to his own drink, then I meet her eyes. They’re a golden brown that reminds me of honey. Warm honey.
“I think so,” I say, a little confused by this stranger's interest in my life.
“Good, I’m glad. Something inside me told me I had to ask.” She taps at the spot over her heart. “Are you going home or somewhere else?” She gestures around the service station and I follow her hand, taking in the multitude of people passing through. Families in the food court, a few in line at the newsagents and a long queue at the fast food outlet. Everyone here is going somewhere, and I guess I’m one of them too.
I take another sip of the hot beverage. “I have to do something before I can go home.”
“Ah, I see,” she says.
I look down at my hands and the black hoodie I’m wearing, which Caiden bought me, before looking at her again.
“Bert and I have been married for fifty years today,” she continues, and I hide a grin behind my hand, bemused by the complete stranger sitting at the table with me. There are genuinely kind people in this world, and I think this lady, with her diamond earrings, fluffy mint jumper, and warm eyes are one of them.
“I met him when I was twenty-two and I loved him straight away.”
“Wow, fifty years is a long time to be with someone,” I say, taking a look at her husband. He’s not paying us any attention but his body is turned towards us as if magnetically drawn to his wife.
“I’d take fifty more if I could. But let me tell you, it’s not always easy. We’ve made our fair share of mistakes.” Shetsksand shakes her head at her husband.
“I’ve not even been with my boyfriend for a year and I feel like I’ve made a thousand mistakes already,” I reply.
“You know, if someone asked me what the secret to being together for fifty years is, I’d say one word.”
I raise my eyebrows. “Yeah? And what is that?”
She smiles. “Love. There really is nothing more to it. There is nothing greater than the love we share and when mistakes happen, when it all goes to shit, one of us is always willing to fight for us. That’s the key. Forgiveness, apologies, promises - they’re all secondary. Important, yes, but secondary.”
She scoots out of the booth then taps my hand. “Do you love him?”
“More than anything.” There is absolutely no hesitation to my answer.
“Good. Go do that thing you need to do, then go home and make sure he knows. Now, it’s been lovely chatting to you but Bert and I best be getting on the road.”
Bert comes over and wraps his hand around his wife’s waist.
“Do you always give life advice to strangers in service stations?” I quip.
Bert chuckles, clearly amused, and kisses her cheek before he answers. “She does. All the time. Our children find it embarrassing, but it’s how we met all those years ago so I wouldn’t change her ways for a thing.”
“You drive safely,” his wife says before they wave and turn away.
“You too,” I shout to their backs, watching as they exit into the dark night, hand in hand.
With my coffees finished, I stand up from the table then take my phone out and message Caiden as I walk towards my car.