Page 83 of That One Moment

“Besides the stars, do you want to add any more?” Caiden purses his lips before answering.

“A daisy.”

“That’s a cute choice,” I muse, lean over him and kiss each individual tattoo.

“Not because it’s cute but because it’s strong. Daisies can survive so much, and they can flourish in the hardest of circumstances.”

“Also like you,” I add.

“I don’t know. Maybe one day I’ll feel that way about myself. What about you?” he asks, lifting my arm so he can see the ring around my bicep. “Do you plan on getting any others?”

“I hadn’t given it much thought, to be honest. I did this on a very dark day. I don’t regret it, but I also didn’t feel it, I was toonumb to notice.” He uses his free hand to trace the ring before it ends at Cooper’s name.

“He loved you, you know? That night, he asked me to tell you, he said, ‘tell Jamiealways.’” My hand tightens where it’s lying on Caiden’s hip and he shuffles, bringing his nose to the dip in my clavicle. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” His voice is a low whisper.

My throat tightens on the swell of emotion his words bring out. “It’s okay, I knew-” I clear my throat. “I knew he loved me, he never let me doubt it.”

“I should have told you sooner,” Caiden whispers, his voice thick.

Kissing the top of his head, I say, “You’ve told me now.” My eyes sting and I blink up at the ceiling while Caiden’s lips press to the skin at my neck, bringing me a quiet comfort. I’ve tried not to think about Cooper’s last moments, content in knowing he wasn’t alone when he died, but there is something cathartic about knowing he was thinking of me. It’s like those few words heal a wound that night left on my soul, and I hug Caiden tighter for giving me this. I don’t think he knows just how much he gives me by being back in my life.

We’re silent for a while, both lost in our own thoughts before Caiden pushes me off of him and moves to stand up.

“We need to shower. We cannot go downstairs smelling like sex.” I grab his waist and haul him back onto the bed.

“But you smell like me. I like it.”

He pushes back, wrestling me onto the bed and pinning my arms above my head while laying his entire body over mine. “I like it too but I’d rather not hug our parents with cum drying on my stomach.” His blue eyes are bright. There’s happiness in them and it does something to my insides, lighting them up like fireworks. Caiden has breathed life and happiness back into me.

“Let me clean you,” I say, lifting my head to lick a stripe across his cheek. He grinds his pelvis against mine, making my cock twitch. Then in one swift move, he rolls off of me and hops off the bed, giving me a beautiful view of his pale, perfect ass.

Caiden looks at me over his shoulder. His black hair is a mess and I want nothing more than to run my hands through it and tug him back to me. “You coming?” He spins back around and saunters into my ensuite.

I can’t move fast enough.

Chapter Thirty-Six


“What do you get if you cross a vampire and a snowman?” Jamie reads from the tiny slip of paper from his Christmas cracker. A yellow paper hat hangs over his forehead and he rights it then looks in turn at each of us sitting at the dining room table.

“I know this one,” Sage replies. “It’s one of Jamie’s favourites.” She bounces Nova on her lap while poking at a carrot with her fork.

“People have favourite jokes?” I ask, taking another bite of cheesy cauliflower bake.

“Jamie does, he’s odd like that.” It’s one of the things I love about my boyfriend, but I don’t say that out loud. As we’ve settled into our life together, I’ve seen more and more of the old Jamie but also, a totally new side. A side that is completely mine.

“It’s not that unusual. People have favourite songs and books, why not jokes?” Jamie shakes his head. “Is anyone going toguess? Not you, Sage.” He points a finger at his best friend who mimes locking her lips.

“Frostbite,” I deadpan. Maria laughs and Jamie blinks at me, his mouth tipped into a lopsided grin.

“No way you guessed that,” Jamie says, turning back to his food.

“I totally did, it wasn’t that hard. I also don’t understand how that’s your favourite.”

“Um, because it’s funny?”

“You’re ridiculous,” I reply.