Page 78 of That One Moment

“You do but we’re meant to take care of each other. That’s how this boyfriend thing works.”

He hums before adding. “We’ve got to get better at talking about things. Not that I don’t enjoy working them out with our bodies, but I want us to work, Caiden. So, more talking. Deal?”


He kisses the top of my head. “For the record, you’re super sexy when you’re angry and bossy.”

I punch him playfully in the side and he tackles me so I’m underneath him, being squashed into the sofa by his heavy body. When his lips slant over mine, I sigh and melt further into the fabric, letting him do as he pleases with my body. We do talk. Between eating takeout and fooling around, we talk and we laugh and we learn about each other, inside and out until we’re both sated, happy and exhausted.

This thing between us is exciting. Scary, confusing, incredible, delightful and exciting and it’s ours. All ours.

Chapter Thirty-Four


“What do you want for Christmas?” Jamie asks as we walk side by side along a stone path at Kew Gardens, a five hundred acre botanic garden in southwest London. It’s a bright day, with blue skies despite it being the end of November.

I take a sip of my hot chocolate, holding it between two hands to try and warm them up. I've already told him I don't want to do anything for my birthday this year but I hadn't considered Christmas yet.

“Are we giving each other gifts?” I’ve never dated anyone for long enough to even consider giving them a gift so I’m a little thrown by the idea. I picture the bracelet on my arm and remember the feelings it stirred up when he gave it to me all those years ago.

“Of course we are! But if you don’t give me an idea of what you want, I’m going rogue.” He bumps his shoulder against mine andI drop one hand from my cup, reaching out to take his. His cold hand slots into mine perfectly and I give it a squeeze.

“Surprise me,” I say, and then add, “What about you?”

He thinks about it briefly, stopping to look at the small waterfall cascading down a tiered rock garden. A cold breeze blows over us and I shiver inside my parka.

“I don’t know. There’s nothing I really want.”

“Then, I guess I’m going rogue too,” I reply, my mind racing over the possibilities of what I could get him. From something sexy like a butt plug, to something sentimental like a canvas print of the two of us. I shake my head when I realise I’m preoccupied with the thought when there’s still weeks to decide.

“I was thinking we could get our parents a spa voucher or something along those lines, rather than something they don’t need.”

I’m glad Jamie’s on the ball where Christmas is concerned, because I’m seriously lacking. It was always Cooper who organised gifts for our family and he and I only ever exchanged an under £10 joke gift every year, which never failed to make me laugh.

“I like that idea.” I let go of his hand to hide mine in my pocket, really wishing I’d brought gloves.

He turns to face me. “Your nose is cold,” he says before warming it with a kiss. “And you have very rosy cheeks.” He kisses them too. “Ready to go somewhere warmer?”

Nodding, I take his hand again and we stroll through the gardens, stopping now and then to read a sign or look at a display before exiting onto Kew Bridge. The sky is darkening, and a quick look at my phone shows that it’s almost four by the time we reach the train station. There’s also a message from Darius waiting for me.

Darius:Some friends and I are going to a pub quiz this evening. You keen?

I check with Jamie who very enthusiastically says yes, and then we hop on a train back to Kingston, stopping at home to feed Ford and then to grab a pizza before meeting Darius and his friends.

When we arrive, Darius spots us and immediately comes over and pulls me into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here, babe. There’s a £250 prize for the winning table so hope you brought your A-game.” I cough back a laugh at my ridiculous friend who's wearing a shirt that probably costs three times the prize money he’s intent on winning.

“Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?” he suddenly says, looking over my shoulder, the smile he was wearing disappearing from his face.

I look at Jamie and then back at Darius. “I’ll grab us some drinks,” Jamie offers and Darius and I head outside where it’s dark, clouds obscuring the stars and moon.

“I’ve invited someone else tonight and I really don’t want you to be mad at me.”

“O-kay.” I draw out the word while trying to work out who he could possibly be referring to.

“The guy’s lonely and I know you have a history so it may be awkward. And I think I’ve possibly broken some bro-code, which I’m sorry about, and now I actually feel like a really shit friend and maybe this was a bad idea and…”

“D,” I say, interrupting his rambling. “You need to tell me who this guy is.”