I rub the tip of my cock against his lips, smearing them with precum and making them glisten.
“Open,” I say, my body shaking with the force of my need. Jamie smirks again, sticking out his tongue to lap at the head, teasing the slit. “I said, open,” I growl.
“God, you’re hot when you’re bossy,” he says, before opening his mouth and spitting on my cock. I groan then slide it over his tongue and into the warm, wet heat of his mouth. His hands land on my ass and start massaging my cheeks as I fuck in and out slowly. When he pulls me forward, my hips falter and my cock hits the back of his throat, making him gag.
The feeling is incredible, tight and hot and fuck, I need more. With my hands still in his hair, I hold his face still then fuck his throat hard and fast. He moans and gags, spit dripping down the sides of his face. One of his hands moves off my ass and I gasp when it returns, a slick finger finding my hole. My groin tightens and I pull out of his mouth and squeeze the base of my cock.
“I need to slow down,” I rasp, sucking in a deep breath.
Jamie pushes his finger deeper into me and brushes against my prostate. I moan and look down at him as he adds a second finger. He deliberately presses both fingers against that sensitive bundle of nerves and electricity sparks in my veins.
“Jamie, I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” I warn. Everything in me coils tight and I squeeze my cock harder to hold back the explosion I can feel simmering.
“Feed me your cum, Caiden,” he demands, then nudges my prostate again.
Jamie opens his mouth and I shove back inside as far as I can go. He adds a third finger at the same time he gags around me. The sensations are overwhelming - the heat of his mouth, the tightness of his throat, the sting of his fingers mixed with the incessant tapping of my prostate - it’s all so powerful when combined that I feel the cord holding me together snap.
“Fuck,” I yell as I pull back, my cock sliding over his tongue. Dopamine floods my brain, my orgasm hitting me hard, making my head spin. I drop my hands from Jamie’s hair and hold on to the back of the sofa, steadying myself and catching my breath. I’m still coming down from the high of orgasm when Jamie’shands find my hips and pull me down, moving me so that the blunt head of his cock is pushing at my entrance.
Then he kisses me, and I groan when he feeds the load I just gave him into my mouth. We kiss, sharing my flavour until our lips sting from the torment and he’s fully seated inside of me. It stings at first, and my body is oversensitive, but he moves slowly, giving me time to adjust. Breaking the kiss, Jamie’s lips find my jaw, tracing the edges of it.
Our eyes meet, his greens which are usually bright like a precious gem, now dark like a deep, dangerous forest. “Ride me,” he says, his hands guiding my hips up and down his dick. I take over the movements, riding him until my muscles ache. He looks so fucking stunning under me. His mouth open, his jaw slack, strands of brown hair falling in front of his eyes. Debauched, and gorgeous, and holy fuck, he’s all mine.
Jamie doesn’t break eye contact as he wraps a hand around my soft cock. I hiss at the contact but feel myself start to thicken in his hold.
“That’s it, good boy getting hard for me again,” he says, and my entire being lights up.
Jamie maneuvers us to sit up straighter, and when his hands find my hips he pulls me closer, trapping my cock against his taut stomach. “Hold on,” he says before he takes over. Giving in to his base desires, he ravages my neck with his teeth while fucking the air out of my lungs. My hands find purchase on his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin. Goosebumps breakout over my whole body when he licks over the bite he’s just left on my neck.
“Kiss me,” he grunts. “Need your mouth, need more of you.” Doesn’t he know he already has every bit of me?
My mouth slants over his and the kiss that follows is beautiful but brutal, matching the voracity with which he’s fucking me. Tongue and teeth and pure fire-fueled desire. My dick slidesagainst his stomach and heat pools low in my belly. When Jamie groans and throws his head back - granting me unlimited access to the slightly stubbled flesh on his neck - my teeth latch on and I suck, feeling a possessive edge take over me, wanting to leave matching marks on his body.
Jamie shudders, his movements becoming uncoordinated. “Yes, Caiden, so fucking perfect.” He thrusts a few more times, then roars, his head thrown back as he comes inside me.
Heat races up my spine and I take my cock in hand, spit on it and stroke a few times before shooting over the smooth flesh of his stomach, the possessive beast inside me taking immense pride in the marks on his neck and my cum on his skin.
Never in all my life, have I felt as insatiable as I do with this man. I want to be both tender and dirty, loving and wild with him. I want to be everything he wants, needs and desires.
Jamie wastes no time maneuvering us to the far side of the sofa and tucking me under his arm, my head next to his heart. His hand finds my hair, carding through it reverently, his nails scraping softly over my scalp. Everything in me is relaxed and warm.
“I am happy,” he says, startling me as eyes start to drift shut. “You said this morning that you want me to be happy, and I am. With you.”
I hum and circle his nipple with one finger. “I’m glad about that. But you can’t only find your happiness in me. That has the potential for disaster. You need to find it somewhere else too.”
He’s silent for a moment, the weight of my words heavy in the room.
“I know you’re right, and I called them today after you left. They’re going to get back to me early next week.”
“That’s good that you did but I had no right to push you, and if it’s not what you want then that’s okay. We can figure something else out.”
His hands keep running through my hair, and my eyes succumb to their need to close.
“It is what I want, but I think I’m afraid to want too many things. The more I hold on to, the more things that make me happy, the more I have to lose.” He squeezes me tighter and whispers, “I think I’m broken.”
I kiss his chest. “Well then we can be broken together. But for what it’s worth, I don’t think either of us are broken. You said it yourself, I’m not damaged and I'm saying, neither are you. We’re human. It’s okay to be scared, Jay.”
“I’m meant to be the one who takes care of you,” he muses.