Page 28 of That One Moment

“Diamonds are a wonderful choice, they symbolise love and commitment.” Anne says, and I test the ring out on my finger, picturing it on Cooper. Seeing his grin as I get down on one knee and then slip it on him.

“Forever,” I say under my breath, because that’s what I’ve heard people say diamonds mean.

It’s absolutely perfect.

“I’ll take it.” I pull out my bank card, knowing full well that once I pay for this, I will have no savings left. But he’s worth it, so fucking worth it.

“Can I get this engraved please?” Anne nods and we go through the details of what I want. She tells me it will take around a week to ten days, and that she will send me a message when it’s ready.

“You’re really doing this?” Sage asks as Anne rings up the till and takes my card.

“I have absolutely no doubt that he is it for me, Sage.” We thank Anne then head out the store, ready to grab a bite to eat before I have to head back for family game night. A new ideaMum came up with and one I know Cooper is really excited about.

“You have always been an old romantic.” She bumps me with her shoulder then throws her arm around my waist and pulls me into her. Outside, the sun is shining, the air thick and heavy with the promise of rain. By the time we reach the pub for lunch, a fine layer of sweat has formed on the back of my neck and I’m regretting the long sleeve Henley I threw on this morning.

A poster for open mic night at the pub next week catches my attention. “Why don’t you sign up and bring the twins?” Sage asks.

I haven’t been brave enough to let them see me sing yet. I know I don’t suck - at least that’s what my friends have said - but I still feel a bit embarrassed by the idea of it. It’s just a silly hobby afterall.

“Think about it,” Sage says when she notices my hesitation. “You could sing something ultra romantic. God, I can picture the cartoon hearts around his head already.”

A plan starts forming in my mind. One that starts with a song and ends with a ring on Cooper’s finger.

“Yeah, okay. I’m going to do it.”

I speak to the barman who says that it’s best to sign up to guarantee a spot, so I do that then order our food and drinks.

We take a seat at a small table next to the window. “So, when are you going to ask him?” Sage asks as she sips on her ice cold drink.

“If the ring is back in time, then next week. It doesn’t mean we have to get married right away, I just want him to know I’m serious about us.” Condensation builds up on the side of my glass and I draw patterns in it, watching as drips fall to the table.

Sage chuckles when she replies. “I’m sure he’s well aware.”

There’s no doubt in my mind, but the way I see it, showing and telling someone you love them should be something you doevery day of your life. One day, you may wake up and not have that option any longer so why waste the precious minutes when they’re right there in front of you? I press my mouth shut, not saying those awfully soppy words to Sage. She’ll only mock my hyperbole.

By the time we’ve eaten, I’ve found out a lot more about Sage’s ‘friend’ who we are still not calling a boyfriend and we’ve discussed our plans for the summer. As far as Cooper knows, his twin is still planning to go to Spain so we’ve made tentative plans to drive to France. Where exactly, we haven’t decided.

“You sure you can’t make it tonight?”

Sage shakes her head as she stands up.

“Afraid not, I have a study group that I can’t afford to miss. I’m majorly struggling with this module but hopefully it’ll click soon enough.” Sage and I had celebrated hard the day we both got our acceptance letters to the study at the engineering facility at Grove Park University. She’s studying to be a quantity surveyor and as we are both in our third year, she’ll be graduating come September. I still have at least another two to four years depending on the route I take, plus countless hours of continued development before I’m done. I’m both excited for her to start the next part of her life, but sad too that I won’t see her around campus.

Sage hugs me goodbye and we head our separate ways. I swing by the cake shop where I got the twins’ birthday cake last winter and pick up some cupcakes that I know my mum will love. They’re vanilla and lemon - her favourite - and each one has a fondant sunflower on it.

Though I am over an hour early, I walk into the house and hear laughter coming from the dining room. Following the sound, I find Cooper and Caiden sitting at the table, a game of Uno laid out in front of them, and a pizza box open to one side. Caiden is laughing, a deep, hearty laugh that I have only heard oncebefore. It makes my stomach do something unfamiliar and I rub at it before realising what I’m doing and drop my hand to my side. What’s more though, is that he looks good. His skin is always a darker shade than his brother’s thanks to working outdoors year round but his cheeks look fuller, pinker and his eyes sparkle as they land on me.

I put the cupcakes down just as Cooper turns and looks over his shoulder, following his brother's gaze. He jumps out of his seat and springs into my arms. I catch him, my hands coming to rest under his ass. Caiden’s eyes don’t leave me as Cooper kisses my neck, murmuring how much he missed me into my ear.

“Who’s winning?” I ask, shuffling Cooper onto his feet and following him back to the table.

“Caiden,” he pouts and I kiss it away, feeling his lips tip into a smile. “He had multiple plus fours, and three reverse cards. I think he rigged the game, but I would never call my brother a cheater.” He winks at Caiden who smirks back at him.

“Told you, Coop, I got a lucky hand.” Caiden’s voice is softer than usual, rich and warm and so very muchnotlike him. There is some serious parallel universe shit going on here but I like it. This Caiden is…friendly. He actually keeps smiling and the look is so unfamiliar on him but so beautiful too. Cooper told me after our disastrous non-dinner with his mother that Caiden had finally spoken to a doctor and was seeing a therapist. With school and work, I haven’t made many Sunday lunches lately and he’s also missed a few, so it’s been a while since I’ve seen him.

“How are things, Caiden?” Absent-mindedly, I pick up the middle stack of cards and shuffle them while waiting for him to reply.

He eyes me for a minute, his head tipping ever so slightly to the side. It’s like he’s trying to read my mind, looking for my motives for asking him because as yet, we don't have this sortof relationship. Not the kind you would expect brothers, even stepbrothers to have.