“I’ll be your lifejacket. I’ll always save you, Caiden. Always.”
I fall on top of him and hold on as though he really will stop me from drowning. A sound like a knock on the door catches my attention and I look up from Cooper's shoulder to find Jamie leaning against the bedroom door. He’s watching us, his own eyes glossy and his lip trapped between his bottom teeth. Our eyes meet and there is a warmth - something like concern in his sparkling greens, that I’ve never seen aimed at me before.
I wish I could hate him. But I don’t think that’s really what I feel.
The longer I stay locked in Jamie’s eyes, the harder my heart beats, so I break away and nuzzle my face into the crook of Cooper’s neck.
“You’re my best friend, Coop,” I say, my voice muffled against the now damp fabric of his shirt.
“And you’re mine. I’m so lucky I was born with my best friend,” he says, repeating those words from twelve years ago. He really is my other half.
Chapter Ten
“Ten, nine, eight…” The crowd in The Shed count down loudly. Next to me, Cooper holds a flute of champagne in one hand and holds my hand with the other. We’re all facing the large flat screen TV broadcasting the River Thames and the lights over London. “One,” we all shout and on the screen, fireworks explode as the city welcomes in the new year. Cooper spins around at the same time I do. I grip the back of his neck and haul him into me, kissing him hungrily.
“Happy New Year, baby,” I breathe against his lips before kissing him again. Around us, people cheer and hug their friends and loved ones. My lips and eyes stay locked on the man in front of me. Cooper smiles as he leans back, his blue eyes sparkling like the disco ball the bar had installed for this occasion.
“Happy New Year!” Leo shouts, draping one arm over my shoulder and one over Cooper’s. Finally breaking my stare, I turn to my friend and take in his wide grin and hazy eyes. “Here’s to another fucking amazing year,” he slurs, lifting his one armto raise his nearly empty flute into the air. He doesn’t wait for us to say anything before he’s spinning around, standing on his tiptoes and yelling, “Where’s my boyfriend?”
“I like your friends,” Cooper says, leaning closer to my ear. He’s met them all previously but tonight has been a true eyeopener to the chaos that is the people I grew up with. “Leo is funny even if he keeps asking me how much I like your dick.” I choke on my laugh. Fucking Leo.
“He’s a good guy, but yeah, the more he drinks, the less filtered he becomes.”
Cooper nuzzles his lips against my neck. “Well, I told him I like it very, very,verymuch.”
And holy shit, did the temperature just turn up in here?
Cooper's mouth drifts from my neck, to the back of my ear and then over my cheek until they land on my lips. “I think this is going to be a great year. For all of us.” He pulls back after that and looks around the crowded room.
A playlist which, I would assume is called something like ‘Songs to ring in the New Year’ plays over the speakers and there's a huge crowd near the bar and an even bigger one on the tiny dancefloor. On the stage, usually reserved for the bands, sits a DJ booth and two strobe lights.
“Have you seen Caiden?” Cooper asks, his voice laced with concern. At the mention of his twin, I stand on my tip toes, much like Leo did earlier, and scan the crowd as best as I can. I can’t make out anyone in the dim lighting interspersed with red and blue flashes. “No. Why don’t you check near the bar and I’ll look at the back. Maybe he’s just in the toilet or gone onto the patio."
Usually, the outdoor area would be closed in winter but, being New Year’s Eve, the bar opened it and strung up some outdoor heaters. As I close the door behind me, I scan the area. It’s bitterly cold outside - the heaters doing very little to fight off the chill - so there’s very few people around. Sitting in the far corner,hunched in on himself against the cold, sits Caiden. He’s dressed in black from head to toe, his huge bomber jacket wrapped around his knees as he cuddles himself.
Taking slow steps, I cross the icy ground then sit next to him. He stiffens but then looks up, seemingly looking through me when his gaze first catches on mine. His eyes are darker than usual, red rimmed but dry and it takes one heartbeat, then another until he seems to recognise who sat next to him. He looks so fucking sad, like a kicked puppy. My throat tightens as we just stare at one another.
“Happy New Year,” I finally say because what else is there to say? A thousand things yet none that seem fitting in this exact moment.
“Yeah,” he huffs, “so fucking happy.” Caiden drops his gaze to his knees, his black locks falling in front of his face as he picks at his painted nails. They’re blue this time, similar shade to his eyes. It’s a difference I notice almost immediately as though there is a part of my brain that catalogues everything about him.
“Did you kiss him?” Caiden’s question takes me by surprise, my mouth falling open but no answer follows the movement. He turns his head, so it’s still resting on his arms on his knees. His hair covers one eye and without thinking, I brush it away. His skin is cold, and at the feel of my finger along his forehead, his eyes flutter closed for one brief second. “Did you kiss him, when the clock struck midnight?”
Nodding, I place my hand back in my lap.
He hums, a low sound that rumbles from his chest. “That’s good. People believe kissing someone at midnight means you’ll be in love forever. He deserves that.”
“Even if that’s with me?” I can’t help but ask, and something flickers across his features before he sits up and turns his body to face mine.
“Yeah, Jamie. Even with you.” Caiden looks up at the sky, his throat bobbing, and I can’t take my eyes off the slender curve of his neck. I swallow sharply when he looks down and catches me staring. His eyes grow much darker and he leans ever so slightly forward until his knee, which he’d pulled up under him, brushes my hip. From this distance, I can smell him. Sandalwood and citrus mixed with the herby scent of weed.
It’s on the tip of my tongue to say that Cooper is looking for him. Instead, I ask, “What else do you think we should do on New Year’s?” Caiden's lips tip into a gentle smile and my heart skips one, two, three beats.
“In Spain, they believe you should eat exactly twelve grapes to give us good luck for the next twelve months.” Caiden purses his lips then adds, “Huh, I should find some and then maybe this year won’t suck as much as the others have.” He gives a humorless laugh, shaking his head and that damn lock of dark hair falls back in front of his face.
Because I seem to have no control over my hands, I swipe it behind his ear. My hand lingering there for a second too long. He turns his face and presses his lips to my palm. It’s that movement - his lips on my skin - that has me shooting off my seat. This is all so wrong - the way he’s looking at me, the way my heart is racing - it’s all wrong.