“Fuck, you’re breathtaking,” I say, completely and utterly blown away by his beauty. By the lines of his body, the way the muscles in his arms and legs bunch as he swirls his hips, the ripple of his toned stomach as he clenches around me and the faintest goosebumps that rise on his skin. But it’s his eyes that get me. The bluest blue I’ve ever seen, a thousand different shades all swirling together, shining with passion and love.
So much love.
“I love you,” Cooper says, leaning down and pressing his forehead to mine. He’s breathless so I take over, fucking up into him. Cooper fists his cock, working it in a steady rhythm.
“Love you, baby. Always.”
We move together, a tide, ebbing and flowing, the natural rhythm of our heartbeats guiding us, pulling us closer, fusing us together. This is what love feels like. Not the sex, but the connection. The feeling that this person is a part of me as much as I am a part of him.
“Love you, love you,” I say over and over again. Cooper’s body tenses, his hole clamps down and I feel his hot cum hit my stomach. Rolling us back over, I take his hips in my hands, and thrust in harder, once, twice, then a third time before pleasure ricochets from the tips of my toes and up through my balls. I come deep inside him, with a huge fucking smile on my face.
My body quivers, my legs and arms tingling from the exertion and pleasure, and I collapse on top of him. He coughs out a ‘hmph’ as I squash him into the bed and he kisses my now sweaty head. Rolling over, I maneuver myself up the bed and throw my leg over his waist. My bed isn’t big but even if it was king sized, I’d still want to be right here, right on top of him.
“So glad I stayed over last night,” Cooper says, a grin playing on his lips. His eyes are closed and he looks thoroughly fucked. Bright pink cheeks, a flush down his entire body and red marks where I gripped him a little too hard.
“Happy birthday, my love,” I say, pulling him closer and moving him so his head is against my chest, right over my heart.
With my hand toying with his black locks, I close my eyes, humming a tune under my breath and loving each second of his warm body next to mine.
“What is that song?” he asks, his hand fiddling, drawing lines along my naked skin, my stomach fluttering every time he passes below my navel.
“It's calledAlwaysby Bon Jovi.”
“Hmmm,” he sighs, “It's really pretty.” His voice is sleepy as I pull him up higher so I can kiss his cheek.
“I'll sing it for you sometime.”
He smiles, closes his eyes and then snuggles into me, eliminating any space between us as he swings his leg over my hip. I hum a little longer, the lyrics playing in my head until I drift off too.
It’s after ten when we finally wake again, both of us in desperate need of a shower. I’m still cuddled into Cooper but he pulls out from under me and rolls onto his side. I do the same so that we’re face to face. Then we’re kissing. Slow, languid, kisses. Kisses that speak of how we feel in a way words never could. Kisses that say, ‘you are my everything’ and ‘I would do anything for you.’ They’re lazy Sunday kisses that warm every corner of my heart, body and soul.
“I have to get up,” Cooper breathes the words against my lips.
“I know,” I say back, reluctantly pulling away from his tempting lips. He’s a twin, which means today is not just his birthday and I know he has plans with Caiden. They're playing paintball and having lunch together. Cooper explained that each year they take turns picking their birthday activity and this year was his brother's choice.
Cooper stretches then rolls off the bed and throws on yesterday's clothes before gathering up fresh ones and a towel. My room is two doors down from the shared bathroom, and as much as I would love to jump in with him, I let him go alone and instead flop down on my bed and grab my phone.
Scrolling through social media, I come across some photos uploaded by a girl I know from one of my architecture classes. It appears to be at a party, there’s people everywhere, red cups and beer bottles littering the table in front of her and a huge beer keg set off to the side. She’s sitting on a blue sofa with a girl on her lap and they’re both smiling widely at the camera. I scroll to the next photo and it’s much the same, as is the third and fourth, only now there are more people on the sofa. It’s the fifth photo that catches my attention. It’s a selfie with the same girl and her friends, but there, on the edge of the group, is Caiden. His eyes are bloodshot and glossy and from the high angle she’s taken the shot, I can see that his shirt is torn. He’s the only one not smiling, instead his eyes are fixed on a guy to the right of thegirl. He’s a jock type, dressed in a polo shirt and an expensive watch which is visible because he has his arm around the girl's shoulder while he's kissing her cheek.
An unfamiliar feeling rumbles in my gut the longer I stare at the photo. The more I study it, the more I notice that something isn’t right with Caiden. Not only is his shirt torn, but when I zoom in, I can make out a red mark on the side of his neck. Like someone held him too tight or maybe hit him. I throw my phone down with a sigh. Caiden is a mystery to me but as much as he rubs me the wrong way at times, I hate that lost look he gets in his eyes, like he’s hopeless, like he doesn’t matter.
Cooper comes back soon after, freshly showered and shaved, smelling like mint and coconut. He straddles my waist on the bed, and takes my cheeks between his hands.
“You give the best birthday presents,” he says with a chuckle. “I’d like to put in a request for the same for Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day and Halloween and any and every day in between.”
“Anything you want, baby.” Cooper climbs off my lap and I want to pull him back but today isn’t about me and what I want. “I got you another gift. Oh, and I bought Caiden something, I’ll give it to him later.”
“You did?” Cooper furrows his brow as he pulls on his socks and shoes.
Opening my bag which is lying next to the bed, I pull out two small boxes. “This one’s for you,” I say, handing the larger of the two boxes to Cooper.
He opens the box slowly, and lifts the necklace up, then runs it between his fingers. It’s a polished silver chain with a washer on it. Engraved with the words, ‘Always and Forever’ and then ‘Cooper and Jamie’.
“It’s gorgeous,” he says, looking up at me with impossibly bright eyes. He presses the pendant to his lips then holds itout to me. “Put it on me?” I kneel on the bed behind him and place the chain around his neck, kissing the back of it once the necklace is fastened. His skin pebbles with tiny goosebumps and I run my hands down his arms, hugging him and soaking in every bit of his warmth that I can. I will never tire of holding this man, he will never not be everything I need. “Thank you, I love it.” Cooper touches the pendant that rests neatly on his clavicle. I sit back then hand him the second box.
It’s smaller than his was, and not as fancy, but I really hope Caiden will like it. Cooper pulls out the bracelet and holds it up to the light. It’s made of blue and black stainless steel links that look like a series of clasps snapped together. It’s chunky and shiny and when I saw it online, something about the colours reminded me of Caiden.
“I think he’ll love it. Thank you for trying with him,” he says softly. “It means a lot to me.”