Page 56 of Trial Run

“I understand. It’s too soon.”

“Exactly. I don’t want him thinking we’re dating. It would be too hard for him if it doesn’t work out.”

A long pause. “I’m hoping for a more positive outcome.”

She hugged his arm. A part of her—a big part—wanted that positive outcome, too. But wanting things didn’t mean they’d happen.

“It’s too early to know, though. That’s why we’re trying it out, right?” She kept her voice as light as possible.

“You’re right. Of course.” His arm tightened around her.

After a few minutes, she drifted, growing more relaxed in his embrace. It would be so nice to curl up and sleep, wrapped up like this.

“Did you know, falling asleep was the hardest part for me, after I got divorced?” she asked after another yawn.

“Why was that?”

“I think I felt unsafe. All alone in the house with a two year-old. I’d lie there thinking I heard noises, imagining the worst. Sometimes I went and slept on the floor in Marco’s room.”

“I’m sorry. I wish I could have been there.” His hand stroked over her hair, as if he couldn’t help touching it some more.

“I got used to it. I’m glad you’re here, though.” Her eyes drifted shut again.

She was jostled awake by Ben climbing out of the bed. A glance at her phone told her it was after 11:00. She sat up in a rush, pulling a T-shirt over her head.

“I can let myself out. I didn’t want to wake you up,” he said.

“It’s fine. I have to lock up anyway.” She followed him downstairs, enjoying all over again the sight of his broad shoulders and tousled hair. He looked better, a little bit messed up.

At her front door, he kissed her softly. “I hope you have good dreams.”

“You too.”

“And I’ll see you soon. Maybe tomorrow?”

“Same time, same place.”

Chapter 16

Ben walked Penny to the door of his office, after they’d finished their first in-person therapy session in a month. She was all relaxed smiles today, a stark contrast to the last time he’d seen her, the day he’d sent her to the emergency room.

“I want to apologize again, for coming here in the state I was in.” She shook her head, shifting her blonde bob from side to side. “In my right mind, I never would have done that.”

“No apologies needed. You coming in that day gave me a good reminder to contact all the physicians of my patients about their medications. I can’t assume their doctors will check the records from other providers. So you did me a service.”

“I don’t know about that. I’m still pretty embarrassed.”

“It will prevent what happened to you from happening to anyone else.”

“I guess you’re right.” She fiddled with the clasp on her purse, lingering in the doorway.

“It’s not embarrassing to ask for help, or to need help.”

He should take his own advice. Vanessa would have a field day if she’d heard him say that last sentence.

“I want to thank you for the flowers you sent a couple of weeks ago, too. It was such a nice gesture,” she said.

“Of course. Flowers are good for mental health.”