“Do you want to keep going for week two?”
His expression turned serious. “You know I do. If you can put up with me for another week.”
“I think I can manage it, after this amazing dinner.” She patted her stomach. “I can’t do dessert yet.”
“Do you want to see my patio at night? It’s got lights. We could sit out there.”
“That would be okay with you?”
“Yes, for a while. The dark is easier to deal with than daylight.”
She grinned at him. “I knew you were part vampire.”
Ben led her to the patio door, and a gasp of surprise escaped her when he opened it.
“It’s like a fairy garden.” Strings of tiny white lights lined the patio, the rock path illuminated by sconces on either side. Submerged lamps lit the fountain on the back wall too, the water falling in bright streams down the rocks.
“I thought you’d like it. You like fairy gardens, if I remember right.”
Her eyes flew to his. “I do. I always imagined how I’d landscape my own someday. Of course, I live in a rental house, so I can’t do that yet. But one day …”
Ben’s hand was warm on the small of her back, guiding her to the patio bench. They sat together, looking out over the darkened yard. Out here, time stood still, with no worries about money or parenting to deal with.
Contentment warmed her from the inside, and on impulse, she leaned and put her head on Ben’s shoulder. So what if this was all only temporary. It felt good, and she would let herself have more of that feeling.
Ben turned his face toward her, his dark eyes glinting in the glow from the fairy lights. “Do you want to walk down the path? See the fountain?”
She nodded, the movement in slow motion, dreamy. “Let’s go.”
He took her hand and led her down the curving path through the center of the yard. The path lights caught on the crystal flecks in the rocks, making them glitter. The hum of running water increased as they approached the high brick wall at the back of the yard, where the fountain overflowed, cascading down three tiers of stones.
Nell reached out a hand, trailing her fingers through the falling water. “I love it. It’s so peaceful.”
“I’ve come out here the past few evenings. But it’s better with you here.” Ben’s voice was low and close to her ear. He wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind.
He was so solid, and she let herself lean back into him. The crisp cotton of his dress shirt pressed against the bare skin of her upper back. She was achingly conscious of the man beneath, strong and warm.
His mouth brushed over the bare skin at the base of her neck and she shivered, tilting her head to the side to give him moreaccess. His arms tightened around her waist, mouth moving up her neck to the spot under her ear. He inhaled there, then placed an open-mouthed kiss on the spot.
Her breath left her on a puff and her knees went weak, just like they’d done the first time he’d kissed her. She had no choice but to lean into him, and he held her up easily. One arm stayed wrapped around her middle, but his other hand trailed upward, coming to rest on the tie at the neck of her sundress.
“Can I open this?” His voice was sandpaper rough. His fingers hesitated on the edge of the fabric, toying with the string. “I’ve been dying to touch you. It’s all I thought about this week.”
“Yes.” She’d die if he stopped. Her heart thundered close to his fingers, rushing in her ears.
He tugged the knot open and let the top half of the dress drop, baring her breasts as the fabric fell away.
A rough sound came out of him. “So beautiful.”
His hands stroked over her, soft and light, his thumbs grazing over her nipples. Her breath accelerated, skin pebbling into goosebumps.
“Ever since I opened the door tonight, all I could think about was doing this.” His voice was a deep rumble in her ear. “Your hair. This dress. It’s too much. I couldn’t think, looking at you.”
He nipped her earlobe between his teeth and another gasp escaped her. A vicious throb built at her center. It had been fun to tease him at dinner, shock him out of his usual reserve, but now, with him touching her like this, she was in way over her head. She pushed against his hands, needing more, needing something.
She turned her head sideways, and his mouth was right there, meeting hers in a messy kiss. Not careful or gentle. She threaded her fingers into his sleek, soft hair and arched back into him. His hot arousal pressed against her lower back, and she wanted it, whatever they could have, as much as he’d give her.
He would take good care of her. She could let herself have this.