Page 37 of Trial Run

“Okay to come in for a sec?”

“Of course.”

She shut the door behind her. “I wanted to let you know they discharged Penny from the hospital, and Sophie got her settled in at home. She’s doing fine.”

“Great news. Thank you for your help this morning, by the way.”

“Of course. It was just like old times.”

“Just like old times,” he echoed, smoothing a hand down his vest. He’d been here over five hours now.

She examined his face. “How are you holding up? Doing okay?”

“I’m fine.” He waved a hand dismissively.

“You’re not fine. But since you won’t tell me what’s going on, I’m using my powers of observation.”

“And they’re telling you …”

“They’re telling me you’re exhausted. This morning took a lot out of you.”

“Maybe a little.”

She made a frustrated sound. “Fine. I’m never going to hear about it. Don’t tell me anything about your personal life. I’m only one of your oldest friends, and your business partner, too. But go home and rest this afternoon, yeah?”

“That’s the plan. But I’ll be back tomorrow. Two morning appointments a day this week.”

“You’re really back.” She let out a long breath. “Thank God.”

“Did you hear anything more after they finished the flower deliveries last week?”

“People loved the flowers. We got a lot of thank-you cards and phone calls. But also … A couple more patients left the practice last week.”

Ben straightened in his chair. “What happened? Did they say why?”

“You’re not going to believe it.”

“Try me.”

“The other clinic—Harmonious Mind—ran an ad on social media comparing themselves to us.”

“I’m sorry, they did what?”

“They called us out by name. Their ad said, ‘If you like The Well Space, but don’t like their prices, give us a try.’”

Ben shoved his chair back and stood. “They’ll get what they pay for.”

“That was my thought, too. That’s why I had Cameron reach out to a few of our patients.”

Ben’s gaze sharpened on her. “And tell them what, exactly?”

Vanessa folded her arms across her chest, a smirk on her face. “Oh, we didn’t ask them to say anything about the ad specifically, of course. We just asked if they’d post photos of themselves holding their flower arrangements, and tag us. To show our personal touch.”

“I see.” His stomach clenched. This was the exact reason he needed to be here. A personal touch meant in-person appointments, not video calls. The flowers were a good start, but he needed to be here, not half days, but full days.

“I’m going to brainstorm other things we can do to bring people back,” he said. “And I owe you flowers, too. For keeping things going while I was gone. I promise, I’ll be around more now.”

She flashed him a huge smile from the door. “Roses are my favorite. Now, go home before you fall over.”