It suddenly hits me that they have a key, just like I have a key to their house. I let myself into their place. They let themselves into my place. It’s never been a big deal because it’s just them and me.
But today…
I sure hope Noah let them in, or they all had a nasty surprise.
Cassian parks and looks at me. “You ready to get this over with?”
“Nope. I changed my mind. I live with you now.”
“Will that make them any happier? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a man as well.”
“Probably not, but you have twenty-seven rooms. I can hide for a long time before they find me.”
“I think you’re overreacting.”
“I have an acute sense of responsibility, and I was told nice girls don’t live with boys before they’re married.”
“Well, that’s an easy fix. Get married, you trollop.”
I snort out a laugh, telling myself this isn’t that big of a deal. My house has become a bed and breakfast, not a house of ill repute. It’s even better than a bed and breakfast because Noah usually cooks for me.
I take a deep breath, leave the relative safety of the car, and march up the porch steps.
My dad meets me at the door. He’s about six feet tall, broad-shouldered but soft around the edges, with a little gray in his short beard. Up until he retired, he was the CEO of a construction company he built from the ground up. He’s strong-willed and efficient, and it annoys the daylights out of him that his daughter was born with an entrepreneurial spirit and a love for flowers.
Right now, he’s smiling. But it’s not a friendly smile; it’s aconcerningsmile. If a cat could smile, this is the smile it would wear when it cornered its prey.
But before he can say anything, his eyes stray to the Lamborghini. His jaw goes slack, and his gaze moves to the man beside me.
“Dad!” I say brightly, hurrying forward to give him the awkwardest of hugs. When I step back, I say, “What are you guys doing back already? I thought you were going to be gone until the end of summer?”
“We came back early. Mom broke her glasses and decided she would like to update her prescription before she orders new ones.” He glances at Cassian, frowning. “And we didn’t hear much from you and Max, so we decided to come home.”
His expression says he thinks it’s a good thing he did. I’m sure he’s imagining that I got myself into all kinds of trouble while they were out of town. And he’s right, but I bet his mind hasn’t leaped to vampires yet.
So, I’m still a step ahead.
“Ah,” I say.
Also,note to self: next time your parents are gone,callthem.
“Your mother is inside with Noah,” Dad says.
“I could have introduced you to him if I’d been here.” I raise my eyebrows, hoping to subtly get my point across. “I wish you would have texted first.”
“I’m sure you do.” He gives me a wry look and then jerks his chin toward Cassian. “Who’s this, and whose Lamborghini did he steal?”
“Huh?” I glance at the vampire by my side. “Oh, this is Cassian, and the Lamborghini is his.”
Kind of. I mean, it seems to be, though I think he claimed it with bloodline politics and clout. Not sure how that works. Not sure Iwantto know how that works.
Dad frowns at him like he’s up to no good. Then he offers his hand.
“Hello, Mr. Edwards,” Cassian says smoothly as they shake. “I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Dad nods, sizing him up, and then turns toward the door. “Let’s go inside.”