“That’s a lot of vegetables.” He opens the fridge and sets his blood on the counter. Unlike mine, which is packaged in medicine bottles, Noah’s looks like a bottle of red wine.
“It is,” I agree.
He pours a small juice glass of blood. “Are we getting close to intervention territory?”
“Probably not.”
“Is there a reason you’re binging on bunny food?”
“I’m trying to decide what I can live without—you or this cucumber.”
“I’m offended it’s even a contest.”
“Ireallylike cucumbers.”
“It’s not like you have to choose right away—or at all.”
“You weigh the pros and cons of a relationship in your way, and I’ll weigh them in mine.”
He downs the blood and then rinses the glass, fills it with water, and chugs it, too. When he’s finished, he turns back. “Perhaps you’re overthinking it?”
“I didn’t think about pros and cons before I started dating Kevin and look how that ended up.”
“I hate that I have to point this out, but I’mnotKevin.”
Noah sounds more offended about being compared to my cheating ex than a vegetable.
“Do you think I need to learn how to use a gun?” I ask, changing the subject.
Noah nearly fumbles the bottle of blood as he returns it to the fridge. “I’m sorry. I think I heard you wrong. It sounded like the flower farmer said she wants to learn to use a gun.”
“Everyone had some kind of weapon last night except me,” I point out. “Doesn’t that make me vulnerable?”
“Sophia didn’t have a weapon.”
“She has fangs. Don’t those count?”
“No.” He closes the fridge and then leans against it, crossing his arms as he contemplates me. “How about this—if you can master a stake, I’ll teach you how to use a gun.”
“This isn’t a negotiation, and I don’t need your permission. I’m a grown woman—I can sign myself up for a concealed carry class if I want to.”
He snorts, smiling. “All right, grown woman. We’ll go to the shooting range when I get off work tonight.”
“We can’t tonight. We’re meeting Sam’s sister, remember? And I didn’t say I wanted to. I asked if Ishould.”
“You’re right—it’s your choice. But if you don’t think you’d be comfortable with one, then no, I don’t think you should. However, if you want to learn self-defense, I would be happy to teach you a few things.”
“Including how to use a stake?”
I think about it while I eat another piece of cucumber. “Okay.”
“Are you worried about what Larissa said?” he asks.
With everything that happened last night, it slipped my mind until I was in bed. But then I remembered that someone was watching the house, and it was like Ethan all over again.
“A little,” I admit. “Who do you think is hanging around this time?”