Page 68 of Vampires and Violas

“Whichhouse, Sophia?” Cassian demands.

“No,” she says stubbornly. “I’m not giving you information unless you sign a pardon and promise my staff and me official house protection.”

Cassian curses, standing. “Sophia, I swear?—”

“Is it the Staulingtons?” Noah interrupts. “This hotel belongs to Alfred.”

She lets out a mirthless laugh. “Alfred has no political aspirations. He is content to spend his family’s money and rub elbows with whomever he thinks will make them more.”

“What about Jameson?” Cassian asks.

She turns her eyes on him. “I know the two of you are often at odds, but do you think he murdered Etienne?”

Cassian falls silent. After several seconds, he says, “No.”

“It’s not the Staulingtons,” Sophia says primly. “Sit down, Cassian—your broth is getting cold.”

“I don’t have any desire to get involved in these political games,” he says. “You know that.”

“You’re a prince—you can’t escape them.”

“Let’s say this house you were working for did assassinate Etienne,” Noah says. “And they used you to create a criminal web that can’t be traced back to them. What do you want me to do about it? I can arrest the rogue vampires you point me toward, but I’m only the head of the western region for the US branch of NIHA. My reach is limited.”

“I don’t know who else to go to.” The bubbly woman from earlier is gone. This Sophia looks tired and scared. She lowers her voice to a whisper. “They’re orchestrating things behind the scenes, and I no longer know who I can trust. And I honestly believe they’re trying to keep Cassian off the throne. He’s a threat.”

“I don’twantthe throne,” Cassian insists.

“There’s an actual throne?” I whisper to Noah.

He leans close, dropping his voice. “I don’t honestly know.”

“You might not want to rule,” Sophia says to Cassian, “but a lot of people think you’d be a good choice. You’re going to be nominated again. Just like before.”

“And I’ll decline,just like before. If my so-called supporters want the throne, they can take it. I’m barely a prince. I’ve made exactly two vampires—you and Noah. The rest of my line is a bunch of rogue riffraff created because you have a bleeding heart.”

“Hey,” I say. “I’m one of those rogue riffraff.”

Cassian shoots me a look, trying not to smile, and then turns back at Sophia. “You know what I’m saying.”

“I do,” Sophia says, exasperated. “But I also know you’re two hundred years old, have never gotten caught up in a scandal, have never murdered a human, and have carved the way for vampires worldwide to have a better life.” She extends her handtoward him, almost in a plea. “And a lot of our people know that as well.”

Cassian presses his lips into a firm line, and then he corrects, “I’m two hundred forty.”

Sophia studies him for several seconds before she smiles like she can’t help herself. “You’ve always looked good for your age, Your Highness.”

Cassian’s lips twitch as he meets the petite vampire’s eyes. And for just a few seconds, they look at each other with remembered fondness that makes me swoon a little.

“Cassian,” Sophia continues softly, “if they can’t take you down with a scandal, who knows what they might resort to?” She beseeches him with her eyes. “Personally, I’d like to see you reach two hundred forty-one.”

A chill runs down my spine. This just got a little too real.

Noah must agree. He rises with a sigh. “I know you run on vampire time, but for us, it’s late. Let’s continue this conversation later in the week.”

“You’rea vampire,” Sophia points out.

“Yes, about that,” Larissa says, joining the conversation. She’s been watching the drama the whole time, sipping her tea from her perch on one of the settees, ankles primly crossed, red lips probably staining her porcelain cup. “I’d like to know how you and Cassian walk freely in the sunlight.”

“Next time,” Noah says, turning for the door.