Page 64 of Vampires and Violas

“It looks nice…”

“Okay.” She flashes me a wide, nervous smile and then looks at Noah. “Open the door.”

Noah barely turns the doorknob when Cassian barges in. His eyes lock with the petite vampire woman’s, and the air practically crackles between them.

“Hello, Cassian,” Sophia says nervously. “I…” She swallows when her voice quavers. “I didn’t know you were joining us. I had hoped when I invited Montgomery that I might…I mean, thatwemight eventually?—”

“Sophia.” Cassian says her name like it’s a death sentence and he’s the executioner.

He then pulls a stake from inside his jacket and crosses the room.


“Cassian, no!”I cry out, horrified.

Noah holds me back and quietly hisses, “You can’t interfere with house business, especially not when Cassian is your prince as well.”

I gape at Noah, eyes wide. Surely, he’s not going to let Cassianmurderthis woman right in front of us?

“Cas, wait!” Sophia cries, darting across the room, screaming when he catches her.

He pins her against the wall, holding the stake to her chest.

Larissa runs in, likely hearing the chaos. As soon as she sees Cassian, she pulls a gun on him.

So, naturally, Noah pulls a gun onher.

Oh, crap.

“You’re just as guilty as I am!” Sophia begs, clutching Cassian’s hand, trying to pull the stake away. “You infected Montgomery, didn’t you? Don’t deny it! He’s from your line, but he’s notmine.I canseeit.”

Several tense seconds go by.

Then suddenly, Cassiangrowls. He yanks the stake down and turns from the woman. Slowly, Larissa and Noah lower their weapons as well.

I draw in a shaky breath, deciding I will never get used to vampires.

As soon as Cassian has himself under control, he says, “You’re under arrest, Sophia. You had to know that would be the outcome of this meeting.”

Looking like she’s going to cry, she straightens her dress and fluffs her curls. “If you take me down, I’ll take you with me. I’m not the only vampire who won’t be able to tell that holier-than-thou Cassian Chevalier created a vampire. Anyone over a hundred years old will be able to read Montgomery’s line. The only reason you haven’t been discovered is no one thought tolook.”

Cassian eyes her. “Noah was going to die. The judges are more lenient when death is on the line, especially when I saved a NIHA hunter who was injured in the line of duty.”

“Oh, so as long asyoujustify it, it’s all right?” Sophia’s eyes flash. “But heaven forbidImake the call.”

“I’m not having this fight with you, Sophia,” Cassian says sharply. “Not again. Be glad I showed you mercy.”

She stares at the man, looking nothing less than livid. Andhurt. “Yes, Cassian, thank you. As always, you are magnanimous. You spared me before, and you were gracious enough to spare me again. Nowleave. I have business with your friends, and you’re not welcome here.”

“The only way you’re walking out of this hotel is in handcuffs,” Cassian tells her. “I’ve fought too many of your progenies to let you go. You’ve made a fine mess of my line, Sophia.”

For a split second, she looks remorseful, but then she sniffs disdainfully and stares at the wall. “I’m very selective about whom I pass the virus to. It’s not my fault they are less so.”

“It is your fault. You are responsible for your vampires, just as I’m responsible foryou.”

“You didn’t care until you decided you wanted to be archduke,” she snaps. “You were fine to ignore me until Duncan announced he’d be stepping down, and then, lo and behold, having a bunch of riffraff in your line was problematic. Now Etienne is dead, and here you are, trying to get rid of me again.”

“This is awkward,” I whisper to Noah.