Page 58 of Vampires and Violas

“Not a sound one, though. I know because several banks have informed me.”

“Yes, but Cassian is a very different sort of bank.”

“Careful, Noah. Admiration is creeping into your voice.” I smile when he scoffs. “Do you think you’ll forgive him eventually?”

“I already have, mostly. I know he didn’t infect me out of malicious intent.” He drums his fingers on the steering wheel. “And I am glad to be alive.”

“What’s it like? Not aging? Not getting sick? Do you feel amazing all the time?”

“Not always. In the beginning, I was adamant about using the prescription blood, but it tasted wretched on its own, so I wasn’t taking enough for a final-stage vampire. I felt rough until I finally switched to an animal source.”

I reach over and squeeze his arm. “Apparently, you needed someone to tell you to stop being a toddler and take your blood.”

He glances at my hand like he’s startled I’m touching him. “Then there was the time I thought I could get away with a few fries and a bun on my hamburger.”

“Did you get sick?”

“Like a dog.” He cringes, remembering. “Yet, for the first year, I kept cheating. A cupcake here, a donut there. Not to mention, I didn’t start the daylight drug until about a year in,so I would be stupid and fry myself while doing something lame like crossing a parking lot.”

“What an awful adjustment that had to have been.”

“It’s gotten better,” he assures me. “I stopped fighting it. With Clark’s help, I got my diet on track. We figured out the right blood dosage. And Cassian told me about the daylight drugs.”

“You actually spoke to him? I thought that was more of a recent development.”

“No, I didn’t talk to him. He sent me an email with the info. I didn’t even bother to thank him.”

“You’re lucky I’m more forgiving than you are.”

He glances over, his face solemn. “I am lucky—and I’m thankful.”

My heart swells, and I pull my eyes to the road, glad we went on this outing.

The day has been perfectlypleasant—one of the best I’ve had. So, of course, something has to ruin it.

I’m hit with a serious case of déjà vu when we pull into my dark driveway at nearly ten o’clock at night and find a vehicle waiting for us.

Before, it was Ethan’s thugs. Tonight, it’s the vampire woman.

“What’s she doing here?” I ask, though we both know.

“I haven’t checked my email since I responded to her message,” Noah says. “She must not have taken no for an answer.”

Unlike before, when Ethan’s henchmen paid us a visit, Noah doesn’t tell me to wait in the car…so I don’t.

As we leave the SUV, the woman steps out of her vehicle. She doesn’t look as hesitant today, likely because it’s dark.

“Can I help you?” Noah asks, his voice less than cordial.

“Hello, Montgomery. I’m Larissa Valentine,” she says. “We spoke over the phone.”

“Yes, I remember. It’s a little late for a visit, don’t you think?”

“Forgive me. I’m accustomed to vampire hours.”

“You must not have gotten my email.” Noah shakes her hand and then immediately drops it. “I’m unavailable to meet your boss tonight.”

Distracted, she says, “I know you’re a full vampire, and yet you walk in daylight. I’d love to know your secret.”