I’m sittingin the middle of a bed of cheerful purple violas, catching up on some of my landscape chores, when a text comes through on my phone. Careful not to crush the flowers, I stand and step onto the walkway that meanders through the garden like a woodland fairy trail, pulling off my gardening gloves.
Sam: Hey, Piper. This is Sam Porter. I got your phone number from your business card. My sister is holding a birthday party for my niece next weekend, and she was hoping you could put together a few arrangements for the tables. Do you care if I give her your number?
Piper: Hi, Sam. That’s fine. Thank you for recommending me.
Sam: No problem. I’ll see you on Wednesday.
I make my way down the path, heading toward my rose garden. The tea roses have slowed down in the mid-summer heat, but I still have plenty.
Several of the cutting beds I didn’t get to this year reseeded themselves, and they’ve filled out with cosmos and zinnias. Beyond the rose garden, the sunflower patch is doing well.
I should have enough to get through the rest of the season. Barely, but enough.
The sun feels especially hot today, probably because I haven’t had my blood this morning. I wanted to get out early, and I was afraid the blender would bother Noah.
But he’s up now. I find him sitting at the island counter when I come in from the back patio, reading an email on his laptop. He turns, smiling. “Morning.”
Feeling self-conscious about what transpired between us last night, I pass him to wash my hands. “I see you’re working during the weekend again.”
“Says the flower farmer who just came in from the garden.”
I smile as I dry my hands. “I was weeding a landscape bed, not working in my cutting garden.”
“I got an email from Larissa. Her boss wants to meet this evening.”
My empty stomach twists as I turn around to face him. “Already?”
“I’m going to tell her to reschedule it for a weekday.”
“Oh?” I ask, somewhat relieved, though it’s not like he’s turning it down altogether.
“I thought we might take a day trip today.” He nods toward the coffeemaker. “I made a fresh pot this morning.”
I pick my favorite flower mug and pour myself a cup. “Why are we going on a day trip?”
“It’s our Day One—it needs to be special.”
“You really have been watching K-dramas.”
“I thought we’d go to the Denver Botanic Gardens.”
“You think a girl who grows flowers for a living wants to walk through a massive garden on her day off?”
Taking a sip of coffee, I smile. “You’re right. But Noah, there’s one problem.”
“What’s that?”
“I didn’t agree to start dating you.”
He stands, taking his empty breakfast plate and utensils to the sink. “I’m hoping you’ll change your mind by the end of the day.”
“I like your optimism,” I joke. “All right. Let’s take a trip to Denver.”
I make my smoothie, eat a piece of cinnamon toast, and then take a shower. I spend more time getting ready than usual, fussing with products in my hair and curling it just right even though I’m going to pull it up in a ponytail.