“Grandpa retired,” Britta points out. “He doesn’t get a say anymore.”
Julie shoots her daughter a look. “You tell him that.”
Noah’s family’s grocery store has been around for over fifty years. Noah’s grandfather retired, and now his parents run it. In the future, I imagine it will pass to Britta. From what I can tell, she loves the place.
“I agree with Grandpa,” Noah says. “Who’s going to go to a grocery store for a latte when they can go through a drive-thru and order with an app?”
“Someone who likesgoodcoffee?” I hold back a grin when Noah gives me a droll look.
“See?” Britta says. “It’s a good idea. And then we can sell in-house coffee blends as well. I’ll contact a few local roasters and see if they want to partner with us.”
Noah smiles even though he obviously thinks the whole thing is ridiculous.
I find myself watching him. He’s happy here—he genuinely loves being home. But he’ll never be completely at ease until he tells them he’s a vampire. It makes my heart twinge a little, both for Noah and me. He’s close to his family, like I’m close to mine.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Julie says to her daughter. “First, let’s focus on your wedding.”
Britta growls, making me think the bride-to-be doesn’t want to be reminded of her upcoming nuptials.
“What’s wrong?” Noah demands. “Did Austin do something?”
“No, no.” Britta waves a carrot at him. “It’s the florist. We hired his aunt, and the woman is a flake. She called him this morning and let him know she met a guy online, and she’s flying over to see him and won’t be back in time.”
“Isn’t the wedding next month?” I say.
“Yeah, but apparently, he lives in New Zealand.” Suddenly, her eyes sharpen on me. “Piper.”
The look on her face makes me slightly nervous. “Yes…?”
“You do floral arrangements.”
“I do, but Britta, I don’t have stock for a wedding?—”
“Jen was supposed to get the flowers from some wholesale place in Denver. We’ve already paid for half the order. Do you think you could just…do something with them? Anything, really. I’m kind of desperate here.”
I glance at Noah, unsure. “I don’t know…”
He shrugs like it’s up to me.
“We’d pay you, of course,” Julie says, just as eager as her daughter.
And that’s the magic word.
“I mean…I could probably dosomething.”
“Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Piper.” Britta comes around the island and pulls me into a tight hug. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“When is the wedding?”
“August 24th, in Estes Park.”
“I’ll make it work.”
I pull out my phone, deciding I need to recruit Olivia immediately. She doesn’t answer, though. She and Cassian are probably enjoying a sunset horseback ride around his property or discussing his collection of eighteenth-century art.
The conversation turns to other wedding plans, and then we sit down for dinner.
“Tell us about your new job, Noah,” says Uncle Dan, a stout man with a bald head and a slightly intimidating presence. “I’ve heard you’re back in town for good this time.”