“It’s okay to splurge every once in a while,” Olivia reminds me. “Especially on the man who saved your life.”
“When you put it like that…”
We walk toward the register, and she grins. “I just hope your bank doesn’t turn down the transaction.”
“Why would they?” I demand, my steps faltering.
“Because you never spend that much.” She gives me a cheeky grin. “Surely they’re going to think someone stole your card.”
“So funny.”
The associate at the register smiles as she rings up the purchase, and my card goes through just fine, thank you very much.
“Where do you want to stop for a gift bag?” Olivia asks as we’re headed out.
“Let’s go to…” The words trail off when I recognize the man ahead of us. He pauses to open a door for us.
When he recognizes me, he looks as startled as I am.
“Hi, Piper,” Sam says. His tattoos are on full display today thanks to his fitted T-shirt. I don’t recognize the musical logo on the front, but the graphic says it was on Broadway.
“Oh!” Olivia grins. “You’re Sam—from last night, right?”
He nods, giving me a sheepish look. “If we keep running into each other like this, you’re going to think I’m stalking you.”
The words are harmless, but they send a cold chill down my spine. Somehow, I force myself to laugh.
Even though I don’t ask, he explains, “I’m here with my sister again.”
“Back to school shopping?” Olivia guesses.
“That’s right.” He drops his voice. “I don’t know how I keep getting roped into these things.”
“Because you’re nice,” I say. “I’m sure she appreciates you.”
He nods, stepping back so we can walk through the door. “I’ll see you next Wednesday for the delivery?”
“That’s right.”
“Looking forward to it.” He smiles again. This time, his eyes are a touch warmer as they meet mine. “Have a good afternoon.”
“You too.”
Once we’re out of earshot, Olivia laughs. “You are on a roll this summer. I really think he likes you.”
The thought makes my stomach squirm a little. “What if it’s the virus?”
“Making you more attractive?” My best friend turns to face me, pausing in the walkway. She scrunches her mouth to the side and narrows her eyes, thinking hard. And then she shakes her head. “Nope. You look exactly the same.”
“I’m not sure how to take that,” I say self-consciously.
“You’re super pretty, but in a dairymaid sort of way.”
“What?” I laugh.
“You know—wholesome, pink cheeks, sweet smile. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing about you that screams bombshell. So, it’s probably not the virus. Guys are just noticing how adorable you are. Maybe you’re giving off different vibes now that you’re single.”