Page 35 of Vampires and Violas

“I’m going to eat some lunch and then head out again. Will you be home for dinner?”

“Yeah. Do you want to eat at home or go out? Or I can grab takeout.”

This is a normal conversation for a landlady and her tenant, right? Cozy dinners are part of the contract, I’m sure. Cozy dinners. Cozy breakfasts. Cozy make-out sessions on the couch.

All very normal and standard.

“We’ll figure it out when you get home,” I say, heading inside.

“While I have you on the phone—I’m expecting a box today. I just got a message saying it should be there shortly, and someone must sign for it.”

“No problem. I’ll be here for a little bit.”

We end the call, and I prep my lunch. I’m just pouring my peach smoothie into a glass when the doorbell rings. Spooked after meeting with the vampire woman, I jump half a foot in the air.

Cautiously, I peek out the kitchen window. When I see it’s just the delivery driver, I open the door for him, my eyes moving to the small white box in his hand.

“Afternoon,” he says briskly, offering me a digital tablet. “I just need a quick signature.”

After signing, the man gives me the package, bids me a good day, and jogs down the porch, hurrying to his next stop.

Returning to the kitchen, I set the box on the counter and text Noah. Fifteen minutes later, my phone alerts me that he’s arrived at the house.

“Hey,” he says when he and Cassian walk into the kitchen, immediately heading for the package.

I take a sip of smoothie, frowning because his face is sort of red. “I thought you two were out interviewing people.”

“We were, but Noah is turning into a lobster,” Cassian says.

“You do look kind of sunburned,” I say, peering at him.

Noah opens the box and inspects the contents. “I ran out of my daylight drugs. The box they sent last week went to Denver, and I missed the tracking email. Some porch pirate swiped them. That’s why they requested a signature upon delivery this time.”

“You can’t pick them up at the pharmacy?”

“Not these. We get them directly from the pharmaceutical company we’ve partnered with. You must be registered with NIHA to get it, and only our doctors can request it for a patient.”

“Will you be all right?” I ask. “It’s kind of sunny today.”

“Yeah, I’ve only missed a few days. It stays in your system for a while.”

“It must be wearing out, though.”

Noah pulls the bottle from the box. “That’s why Cassian insisted we come home after you texted it was here.” He pours a glass of water and takes one of the capsules. “Okay, let’s head back out. We have four more people I want to talk to today.”

“Are you sure you should go out there like that?” I ask. “Surely the drugs don’t start working that quickly?”

“I’ll put on more sunscreen.” His phone rings, and he picks it up. “Hey, Daniel. Yeah, I saw the email. I need you to…”

He wanders into the living room, and Cassian shakes his head. “He’s stubborn.”

“No kidding.” I gesture toward the fridge. “I put a new carton of broth in there this morning if you want some.”

He helps himself to a glass from the cupboard. “How did your morning deliveries go?”

“Fine.” I flip through an old winter seed catalog as I drink my smoothie. “I think I might sell flower seedlings next year, in addition to the houseplants and succulents I have up in my growing room.”

“Instead of cut flowers?” he asks, sounding like he’s actually interested, though he’s probably just being polite.