With a roll of my eyes, I start down the stairs. “You’re so full of it.”
“Full of good and selfless intentions?” he calls after me. “Absolutely.”
I’ve neverin my life had the desire to learn how to throw an axe, and you know what? I suck at it.
You know who doesn’t suck? Ashlyn. But you know who ispretendingto suck?
Also Ashlyn.
The only silver lining is that Colin decided to join us. To be honest, I never thought I’d be happy for his company, but with him here, it feels far less like a double date.
Unfortunately, our middle-aged companion has now abandoned us for the snack stand, going off in search of a pretzel with cheese and a soda—and his conservator is taking advantage of his absence.
“I just can’t get the hang of it,” Ashlyn says to Noah, like she hasn’t embedded the axe into the target every time. “Can you show me how to hold it again?”
The only thing making the situation bearable is the look on Noah’s face. He wasn’t exaggerating when he said he doesn’t enjoy dating. In its own way, that’s sort of amusing.
“Like this.” Feigning patience, he shows her the two-handed, over-the-head technique one of the employees demonstrated when we arrived.
“Right hand on the top? Or left?” Her laugh is so forest-animal adorable, several young college guys look over from their group and stare at her. “And what do I do with my thumbs again? This doesn’t feel right. Can you come over and guide my hands into place?”
Noah looks right at me, silently reminding me we wouldn’t be in this position if I wasn’t being stubborn.
Cassian steps up to me as Noah reluctantly assists Ashlyn. “They make a cute couple, don’t you think?”
“I hate you,” I mutter.
He laughs. “This wasn’t my doing. I just went along with it.”
“You’re too old for these games.”
“Maturity is overrated.”
“Here’s an idea—why don’t you focus on your own love life?”
“I tried it once. It didn’t go well.”
“Then I certainly don’t want you meddling with mine.”
He laughs, stepping forward for his turn.
Finally, our time is up. We collect Colin from the snack bar and head to the parking lot.
The five of us awkwardly stand between the two vehicles. Colin and Ashlyn rode together—a fact she appears to lament now.
“Thanks for inviting me.” Colin slides his hands into his front pockets and beams at us. “I had a good time.” Then, to Ashlyn, he says, “We best be going now. It’s getting late, and I don’t want to wake up Grandma when I get home.”
“You go ahead and get in.” Ashlyn smiles at her pre-vamp, kind even though he’s the fifth wheel I know she didn’t want. “I’ll be right behind you.”
After saying one last goodbye, Colin gets into the passenger seat of Ashlyn’s car.
“I had fun,” Ashlyn tells us, but she’s looking at Noah. “I hope we can do it again sometime.”
“Get home safely,” my ex-conservator answers.
Looking slightly crestfallen, but still unnervingly determined, she gives us a wave and gets into her car. Moments later, they’re pulling away, off to take Colin back to his grandma’s house.
Cassian opens the passenger side of Noah’s SUV for me, graciously giving me shotgun. As I slide in, I turn to Noah. “Not that I’m complaining, but you really are kind of a jerk.”