He shifts even closer. “But which is it?”
I shouldn’t admit it, but I find myself saying, “The second one.”
Noah’s eyes light with victory. “So, you don’t want me hanging out with Ashlyn?”
I gesture toward him. “What’s with that calculating look?”
He smiles. “Unlock the friend-zone gate, and I’ll get us out of this mess.”
“Is that an ultimatum or a promise?”
I study him, trying not to laugh. “Let me get this straight. If I agree to date you, you won’t go out with Ashlyn?”
“That’s the way healthy relationships work, isn’t it?”
“And if I don’t, we’re going on that stupid double date?”
Noah’s amber eyes darken with wicked amusement. “You can’t reserve me if you don’t intend to go through with the purchase.”
I bark out a laugh. “And you can’t bargain your way back into my good graces.”
He takes a purposeful step toward me. Startled, I step back. Like a predator, he keeps moving forward, stopping only when my back bumps into the pool table. “Maybe I just need to sweeten the deal.”
Smiling despite myself, I press my hand to his chest. “Stop.”
“Stop what?” His smirk turns into an affectionate grin as he grips the table, trapping me in place.
“Being all hot and tempting. I’m not giving in, so quit trying to seduce me.”
He laughs, delighted, and leans close to my ear. His words are soft against my skin as he quietly says, “This? This is flirting, Piper, not seduction. I trust you’ll recognize the difference when we venture down that alternate road later.”
I should push him away, but my fingers splay over his button-up shirt, itching to tangle in the soft, crisp cotton. “What makes you so confident?”
“I’m very tenacious.” Noah backs up just enough to meet my eyes.
I want to kiss his smiling mouth. I want to so badly. But instead, I remind him, “Cassian and Ashlyn are downstairs waiting for us.”
Disappointment shadows Noah’s face, but he nods.
Cassian suddenly appears at the top of the stairs, looking particularly pleased with himself when he sees how close we’re standing. “What are you doing up here? Everyone’s left. Ashlyn and I are ready to throw some axes.”
“Great.” I subtly nudge Noah back. “You guys have fun.”
“Nice try,” he says with a grin.
After sharing one last look with Noah, I push away from the pool table and walk toward the stairs.
Resigned to his fate, Noah says, “I still need to change.”
When he disappears down the hall and into his room, I place my hands on my hips and turn to Cassian. Quietly, so my voice won’t carry downstairs, I say, “You didn’t get rid of her? You hadonejob.”
“I have many jobs,” he answers. “And why would I send lovely Ashlyn away? I’m looking forward to watching Noah squirm tonight.”
“You really are messing with him,” I accuse. “He said you were clinging to me to make him jealous.”
“An astute observation. But prepare yourself, bunny. If you fall in love with me, the situation will get stickier, and Noah really will hate me.”