Page 15 of Vampires and Violas

“That’s right.” I offer him the bouquet.

The arrangement is bright and happy, with hot pink dahlias and bold orange roses. It’s one of my favorites I’ve made this summer.

Sam admires them like he’s pleased. “These are beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like them.” I’m already edging away, eager to return to the house so I can scarf down some lunch and begin my retail deliveries. “You’ve already paid, so you’re all set. I hope you enjoy the arrangement.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Piper.”

“You too, Sam. See you next week.”

My stomach growls as I start the truck and pull away from the house. While trying to ignore my hunger, my mind wanders to Noah—as it likes to do.

We can be friends. Just because he’s living with me, and I’ll probably (hopefully) see him shirtless from time to time, doesn’t mean I’m going to end up as his vampire bride.

We’re adults, with adult-appropriate willpower. It’s going to be fine.

Besides, it’s only a temporary arrangement until Noah sells his house and finds a new place. What’s easier than buying and selling houses? He’ll be out innotime.

Thankfully, Olivia calls, dragging me away from my chaotic thoughts.

“Are you at home?” she asks.

“I’m almost there, but Cassian isn’t, since that’s what you’re really asking.”

“Where is he?”

“He and Max went hiking.”

Groaning pitifully, she asks, “When will they be back?”

“I don’t know—probably late this afternoon sometime.”

She sighs like she just dropped her ice cream cone and it’s now melting on the pavement at her feet.

“Come over for dinner tonight,” I say, taking pity on her. “The vampires can eat their cow, and I’ll make veggie kabobs.”

“Really?” she asks brightly. “Can I have cow, too?”


“Deal. I’ll bring the brownies. Make sure you invite Max—I can’t have these things tempting me any longer.”

“Like there’s any way we could get rid of him once he finds out there’s going to be food.”

“Do you think he’ll feel like a fifth wheel on our double date?”

“This isnota date. Noah and I are a no-go, remember?”

“Sure,” she says, like she doesn’t believe me.

“And it doesn’t matter if Max feels weird about the setup. I can’t tell him to invite anyone—our situation is too weird. The poor girl will see Cassian tossing back his beef broth and know something’s not right with our group.”

“Besides that, what if she likes Cassian more than Max?” Olivia agrees. “What if Cassian likes her more thanme?”

“It has disaster written all over it,” I joke. “Though any girl who would pick Cassian over Max is insane.”

She makes a “meh” noise.