“Hecan’tdo that,” I snap. “If you haven’t noticed, there are half a dozen officers hanging around the house.”
“We’re about to get out of your hair,” Officer Kerrington says, joining us again. “We’ll keep in touch.”
It takes about thirty minutes for everyone to clear out, and then it’s just Noah, Cassian, my parents, and me.
“I’m going to head out, too,” Cassian says, walking to the door. I follow him so I can lock the deadbolt when he leaves. Just before he steps outside, he whispers, “Have fun with your sleepover.”
I scowl, making him smile. As soon as he leaves, I move to the window, watching him walk to the Lamborghini, get in, and drive off. Only when he’s safely out of the drive do I return to my living room and the mess that is my life.
“Where’s Noah?” I ask my parents, concerned by his absence.
“He went upstairs to change the guest bed sheets.” Mom crosses her arms like she’s waiting for me to freak out.
“You’re seriously making him do that?”
“He offered.”
“This is ridiculous.” I walk up the stairs, leaving my parents in the living room, and find Noah smoothing the comforter.
He glances over when he sees me. “I found extra sheets in the linen closet next to the bathroom.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
“I already packed my stuff anyway.” He gestures to the suitcase and duffel bag waiting on the floor.
“You can’t sleep on the couch.”
“I’m going to take one of the beds Cassian bought.”
“But it’s hot in there.”
He gives the pillows a final fluff and turns back to me, having the audacity to smile. “It was good enough for Sophia and Larissa, but it’s not good enough for me?”
“I like you more than I like them.”
His smile edges on a smirk as he walks across the room. “I like you, too.”
I lower my voice. “You realize we’re going to be separated by my parents now, don’t you? They’ll hear if I try to sneak downstairs.”
Noah lifts a brow. “What plans, exactly, does that foil?”
“I’m just saying.”
“It’ll be fine. They have their own house—I’m sure they’ll get tired of hovering after a few days.”
I wish I wouldn’t have called Mom’s bluff. She’s more stubborn than I realized.
“It’ll be all right,” Noah assures me again, taking my shoulders. “At least they aren’t trying to get rid of me this time.”
I grunt, not as optimistic about the situation as he is.
“Get some sleep.” He looks like he wants to kiss me, but he glances toward the door like he’s afraid my parents will catch us—like we’re high school kids sneaking around and not full-grown adults. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Reluctantly, I tell my parents their room is ready, and then I head to bed.
It’sthe crack of dawn, and I should be outside working. But I’m scared to go into the garden alone, so I sit in the kitchen, drinking my coffee, waiting for things to get awkward.
Noah comes in from the sunroom at about six-thirty, dressed for work. He smiles when he sees me and then pulls a coffee mug from the cabinet.