Page 110 of Vampires and Violas

I have to admit, it’s feeling pretty okay right now. Unfortunately, we can’t hide in here forever.

I reluctantly pull out of his arms. “All right. Let’s go tell them they can stay.”

“Don’tyou think this is overkill?” I ask Cassian as we watch Noah construct the two new queen-sized bedframes the prince just bought.

Since the sunroom is twice the size of the guest bedroom, and Larissa and Sophia don’t fancy sharing a bed, they decided they’d stay down here. Noah will remain upstairs.

I like this arrangement better anyway.

“Overkill would have been paying for the addition of two new guest suites,” Cassian answers.

“Are you going to help him?” I gesture toward Noah, who’s currently doing all the work.

“I’m not really a handy sort of guy, but I suppose I could take a stab at it. Say, Noah, do you have a spare Gary wrench?”

“Allen wrench, and you just stay there,” Noah warns. “Last time you attempted to help me, I ended up a vampire.”

Cassian turns back to me and shrugs. “I tried.”

“So, you actually think it’s a good idea to invite Sophia and Larissa to stay here?” I ask.

My newest houseguests are currently at the store. Apparently, Sophia didn’t like the sheets Cassian picked out when he bought the frames and mattresses. She has specific thread count needs.

“I trust them to keep you safe, yes,” he says. “And I’d like to keep an eye on them as well. I don’t want Sophia disappearing again.”

“Because you’re in love with her?”

He rolls his eyes. “Because she has information.”

“Didn’t she already give you the name of the house who hired her?”

“Not yet. I figured we’d get everyone settled before we sat down for a chat.”

“But you signed Sophia’s pardon,” I point out.

After Noah and I finished our conversation, we all promptly headed into the dining room and drew up the paperwork.

“Yes,” he answers.

“What incentive does she have to tell you now?”

“Your stalkers have made you jaded, bunny.”

“Okay, but even if she does tell you…what if the house she worked for sent her to spy on you? Did you think of that?”

“I hope they did.” He gives me a grim smile. “Then I can send her back as a spy for me, and they won’t question the time we spent together.”

“You want to turn her into a double agent?”


“Vampires,” I mutter. “What makes you think she’ll transfer her loyalty to you? You’ve tried to kill her twice.”

“But Ididn’t.”

“Yeah, okay. That makes it better.”

Noah stands, admiring his work. “Finished. Let’s go get the mattresses.”