We say our goodbyes, and I hurry back to my truck. I’m halfway down the walk when Sam calls, “Piper, hold up.”
I turn back, waiting as he jogs over to me.
He gives me a nervous smile. “This is kind of random, but are you free sometime this weekend? Maybe we could grab dinner or something?”
Crap. Olivia was right.
“Oh,” I say, not wanting to hurt his feelings. It’s especially tricky when he’s a customer. “I have a boyfriend.”
Yesterday, it wouldn’t have been a lie. I don’t know if it is today, but either way, I won’t go out with anyone else.
Sam’s eyes widen. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…” He clears his throat and looks down at my left hand. “I did check for a ring, but…”
“No worries.”
He gives me a sheepish smile. “He’s a lucky guy.”
“I’ll be sure to let him know,” I say, attempting a joke even though my heart isn’t into it.
“Guys need to be reminded every once in a while.”
Smiling even though it’s uncomfortable, I turn toward the truck, ready to escape.
“That sounded super awkward,” Max says when I get in, looking bored as he scrolls his phone. His window is cracked, so he heard the exchange.
He’s my official NIHA-appointed watchdog right now, as Noah had to go into the office and Cassian is dealing with prince stuff this morning.
“It was,” I assure him, turning up the AC. “How weird is it that you’re getting paid to hang out with me right now?”
“Beats doing oil changes.”
“You haven’t done oil changes since you were fresh out of high school.”
He grins. “You don’t talk car. I was trying to keep it simple for you.”
I roll my eyes at him and drive back to the house. When we get there, I see the Lamborghini parked out front.
“Your replacement is here.” I drive around the side of the house. “Looks like you’re free.”
“Cool.” Max hops out and walks toward his truck. “I’m gonna head back to the office. I’m meeting Hillary for lunch at noon, and then I have to take her to a few yearly appointments.”
“Even though she’s been a pre-vamp for twenty years, she still has to deal with a conservator?”
“Nah, she just likes the company.”
“So basically…she’s training you?”
He chuckles as he gets into his truck. “Pretty much.”
Max drives away as I walk around the house. Usually, I like it better when Noah works from home, but today, I need to talk to Cassian alone.
Since he doesn’t have a key to the house, my conservator waits for me in his car. He sits with his head resting back, eyes closed, with earbuds in. Fully engrossed in whatever he’s listening to, he jerks to face me when I knock on the window.
“I didn’t see you pull in,” he says when he opens the door.
“I gathered that, since you just about jumped out of your skin. How long have you been waiting?”
“Only about fifteen minutes. I saw you were headed this way, so I waited.”