“We’re just about finished here,” an officer tells us. “We transported the body, but the tape will have to stay up for a few days.”
“Is it all right to be here?” I ask.
“It’s fine—just don’t cross the tape. I’m assuming you have a backdoor you can use?”
I nod, feeling a little numb. This is surreal.
“We’ll get the security footage from you tomorrow,” he continues. “I hope you have as pleasant an evening as possible.”
We thank him, and he turns away, ready to get home to his family, no doubt.
Max and Cassian join us. Together, we watch the officers finish up and then load into their cars, taking their evidence and chaos with them.
When the last set of red taillights pulls out of the drive, I breathe a heavy sigh of relief and turn toward the backyard. “Let’s go inside.”
Max pullsme aside in the mudroom as Cassian follows Noah down the hall and into the living room. “I think I should call Olivia. She’s gonna freak out if she finds out later.”
I know he’s right…but I’m not sure I want to introduce her to a final-stage vampire. After all, Olivia is adorable. What if Cassian decides she looks tasty?
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I jerk my head toward the main living area.
Max frowns. “Do you think that Cassian guy is dangerous?”
“Noah seems to think so. And, Max, he’s a vampire.”
“Yeah, but…so are you.”
“I’m not though,” I argue. “I’m like…larva stage.”
My brother wrinkles his nose. “That’s a gross analogy.”
“That’s basically what Noah said, too.” I pause, my brain feeling overloaded. I’m like a phone using too much memory,and I need to upload some of it to my cloud. And my cloud is Olivia.
Yeah, okay, my analogies aren’t the best.
“Go ahead and call Olivia,” I say. “She already knows about the vampire thing anyway.”
I leave Max in the mudroom and join Cassian and Noah in the living room. They’re standing, facing each other, talking in lowered whispers. Noah looks agitated, but they cut off abruptly as I enter the room.
“Is anyone thirsty?” I ask, playing hostess. Then I realize I’m entertaining a vampire. “For a beverage from thekitchen. Tea? Coffee? Blood smoothie?”
I laugh nervously.
“Do you have broth?” Cassian asks.
“Um.” My eyes dart to Noah. “Yes, actually. Beef broth okay?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Would you like it warm?”
What a stupid question. How else would you drink broth? No one is going to down it cold unless they’re a psychopath.
“On ice, if it’s not too much trouble.”
Well, that answers that.