“Sometimes two,” Cassian corrects. “You really can’t be too careful. It’s best to abstain altogether.”

“No unprotected biting?” I say incredulously.

The ancient vampire frowns. “What?”

I wave away the question. “Never mind.”

Max laughs, sounding a little hysterical.

“We haven’t actually been introduced,” Cassian says when the conversation dies off. “I’m?—”

“I know who you are,” I say, my tone a touch too abrupt. Sighing, I soften. “Noah told me.”

He presses his lips into a grim line and nods.

“You said I’m from your line. Did you infect Ethan?”

Curious irritation darkens his expression. “I didn’t, no.”

“But someone you bit did?”

Cassian doesn’t answer. His eyes move to the blue sedan that pulls into the quiet parking lot. Noah gets out and waves a thank you to the driver, who then pulls away.

Noah doesn’t have his jacket on, and there’s a large bandage taped to his bicep. My eyes focus on it, and my stomach drops.

The hunter barely spares a glance at Cassian, and then he takes me by the shoulders. “Are you all right?”

I nod, feeling like I’m going to cry again. The tears keep coming and going, sporadic and unstoppable. No matter how many times I try to tell myself it’s fine, it doesn’t change the fact a man died at my home today.

“Who brought you?” I ask.

“My friend Daniel met me at the hospital. He gave me a ride.”

Closing my eyes, I step into his embrace, happy to let him hold me. “They got the bullet out quickly.”

“It didn’t fragment.”

“That’s a relief.” Drawing in a steadying breath, I step out of Noah’s arms.

He finally acknowledges Cassian. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m Piper’s new conservator.”

That bit of information goes over just as well as you might imagine.

Noah narrows his eyes. “You don’t work for NIHA.”

“Reid didn’t seem to think that was a problem.”

“After you reminded him where his pay comes from,” I say.

Cassian turns his eyes on me, laughing once under his breath. “Details.”

“What happened to Ainsley?” Noah demands.

“Ainsley is too close to Reid.”

Noah thinks about that. “Why, exactly, does Reid think I’ve meddled with Piper’s file?”