My eyes move to the woman next to Reid. She’s about his age, with a sleek blonde bob and a warm smile. She looks like a real estate agent.

“Piper, this is Ainsley,” Reid says. “She’s your new conservator.”

Oh, this is his girlfriend.

She extends her hand in greeting. “Hi, Piper. It’s nice to meet you.”

She has a perfect manicure. Her nails are painted a soft shade of neutral pink, and a sparkly tennis bracelet hangs from her wrist. It might be real or fake—I’d never be able to spot the difference.

I’m conscious of my short, unpolished nails as we shake and very aware of how hot her skin is. Mine must have felt like a dead fish. “You too.”

With introductions out of the way, Reid says, “Now that you’re done here, we’d like you to come to the administration office so we can go over everything in more detail.”

“I promised Noah I’d go to the hospital when I was finished,” I tell him.

Ainsley frowns, glancing at Reid, unsure.

“Piper,” Reid says with a heavy sigh. “I like Montgomery. He’s like a son to me. But he’s got himself into hot water, and I don’t want to see you dragged into it. It might be a good idea to put a little space between you.”

“He’s renting a room from me.”

“Listen, I don’t know how to even start this. But I talked to IT, and he’s the only one who’s been in your file.”

I shift, uncomfortable. “Are you saying you think Noah’s the one who erased everything?”

“I’m not saying anything. But if I were involved in something sketchy, I’d probably try pretty hard to get assigned to my boss’s pre-vamp so I could keep an eye on her and wipe him out of her records.”

I open my mouth and then close it. “Noah didn’t…”

“He bribed a guy in our administration department so he’d be placed on your case.”

“That doesn’t even make sense. Ethan sent those vampires after me, but Noah didn’t hand me over.”

Reid gives me a pitying frown. “Come on back to the office, and we’ll talk some more. I have some stuff to go over with you.”

I’m reeling.

I turn to Max, but he just widens his eyes and shrugs, still freaked out that vampires exist.

“I think Miss Edwards has been through enough tonight,” a man says from behind me, his voice dark and vaguely familiar.

I jump when a hand settles on my shoulder. When I turn, I find a drop-dead gorgeous vampire who has a penchant for offing those who show up bearing his line’s mark.

“You,” I say softly, so profound.

Cassian turns his eyes on me, giving me a bare smile. “Shall I take you to the hospital?”

“I have a brother,” I say stupidly.

“That’s a relief, as I wasn’t applying for the position.” His eyes are deep brown, dark like espresso, and his lashes are as black as his hair.

“I mean, he drove me.” I clear my throat. “He has a car.”

“Good for him.” Amusement tugs at his lips, but then he looks back at Reid, and it’s gone. “Noah is a straight arrow. You know that.”

Reid looks highly uncomfortable. “I don’t like it any more than you do. But facts are facts, Cassian. And I?—”

“I’d like you to assign me as Miss Edwards’s conservator.”