Noah’s sitting on a stool outside the ambulance when I reach him. His leather jacket rests in his lap, and the paramedic is looking at his arm. He holds up his hand when he sees me coming, looking like he’s shushing the woman, probably because he doesn’t want me to know that the bullet did a lot more thangrazehis arm.

“Max and I have to go to the police station,” I tell him, keeping my eyes averted from the bleeding wound.

“I’ll be right behind you,” he promises.

“We need to get you to the ER,” the paramedic says. “If we don’t remove the bullet, your body will start healing around it.”

“Then dig it out,” he says impatiently.

“Noah,” I exclaim.

His worried eyes meet mine, and he softens his voice, “I don’t want to send you alone.”

“I’ll stay with Max, and Officer Kerrington is going to follow us.”

He still doesn’t like it, but he finally agrees. “I’ll meet you there, all right?”

I want to tell him he can’t hurry the doctors at the ER, but the look on his face says he won’t listen.

“If we finish before you leave the hospital, I’ll have Max bring me there,” I tell him.

He nods, mollified but not happy.

“Will you be okay alone?” I ask him. “Should I see if I can go with you and give my statement later?”

“No,” he says immediately, his abrupt tone making me jump a little.

He winces, his expression softening, and reaches for me with his good arm, taking my hand. “You don’t want to sit around the ER while they deal with this.”

“But I could hold your hand.” I smile. “Like you did during my blood draw.”

The paramedic clears her throat and says she needs something in the ambulance.

Once she’s gone and we have a little space to ourselves, Noah drops my hand and loops his arm around my waist, pulling me close. “I’ll be fine.”

I wrap my arm around his neck, careful not to jostle his hurt arm, and lean into him.

We’ve never hugged before. Earlier, when we were close, it was a prelude to an almost-kiss. This is different. It’s holding each other just to be close. It’s offering comfort and getting comfort in return.

“Are you sure you’re okay to go to the hospital alone?” I ask.

“I’m fine—I’ve been through worse, believe me.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better.”

“Stay with Max,” he says. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I nod, reluctant to leave.

“We need to get going,” the paramedic says to Noah, returning.

And that’s my cue. I step out of Noah’s embrace, missing him immediately.

“You ready?” Max asks when I join him and Officer Kerrington.

I glance back at Noah. He’s sitting on a gurney in the ambulance, chatting with the paramedics. They close the doors, and my heart lurches.

“Piper?” Max says, drawing my attention back.