I type it in quickly and then return the phone to him. “I don’t know. I didn’t read it.”

His eyes scan the text, and his expression darkens.

“Well?” Though I didn’t want anything to do with it two seconds ago, now I need to know what he said.

“He’s informing you conservators shouldn’t spend the night. He believes I’m attempting to take advantage of you. If you’re uncomfortable, let him know, and he’ll come over. Otherwise, the situation will be remedied in the morning.”

“What doesthatmean?” I gasp, grabbing for the phone to read the text myself.

“I’m not sure.” He crosses his arms, scowling.

I flick my eyes back up to him, my pulse gradually slowing. “You okay?”

“I’m not worried about me.”

“I kind of am.”

He gives me a skeptical look. “I’ll sleep with a stake under my pillow.”

“He’s watching the house.”

“If he’s not, he has someone who is. It’s possible they’ve hidden surveillance equipment as well.”


“Not likely. But in your yard? Very possible.”

“This is going to sound dumb, but what if I text him back and say I think he’s a really nice guy, but I don’t think we’ll work?”

“That does sound?—”


“—less than brilliant. Don’t engage with him, or he’ll keep harassing you.”

“I think maybe I should talk to the police tomorrow and see if I can get a restraining order.”

Noah gives me a look that’s full of sympathy, which doesn’t make me feel better.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you pity me,” I hiss.

“You probably can’t file a restraining order now.”

“Am I too late?”

“No. But remember what I said? The moment the word ‘vampire’ gets brought up, they’ll send you over to us.”

“Crap,” I mutter.

“Bringing out the serious swear words, I see.”

“Shut up. I’m a lady.”

He chuckles, drawing my attention back to his face. And then his arms. And then his chest, abs, and…